Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 20)~Her Dream

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Aphmau's POV

Right as Dante gives me the potion, I start to feel drowsy. I don't have time to say anything because I'm unable to move. I feel my body falling forward. I unintentionally fall onto Dante. Laurance and Garroth's worried calls ring in my head. I feel myself being carried down the hallway. As soon as I'm laid on my bed, I'm out cold.

~Dream, Aphmau's POV

I find myself in a room. White walls seem to be barriers as my feet hit the black and white checkered floor. With the walls being white, all the furniture's black. Nothing seems to be out of place or the wrong color. A huge staircase fills the open space, it having spruce wood as beams and white carpet running down them. 

I glance down at my clothes to see I'm in a tight, white dress that ends right below my knees. Black heels fit at my feet, it being complimented by the black jewelry at my neck and wrists. A baby's cry wails, it ringing in my ears. I follow the noise and find myself in a room where there's a baby's crib. I peek inside the crib to find a baby with a tuff of black hair and blue eyes. 

"I guess you've already beat me here." A way to familiar voice calls from behind me. 

I turn around. there's a man there, but he's a blur. I can't see his face since the light from the outside rooms are causing a shadow over him, "How's our baby?" The man asks. I gulp at the words 'Our Baby'. I can't be a mother, what is this?! 

"Our baby?" I repeat. 

"Well, yea." He says, walking further into the room. 

I glance at my ring finger and see a shining, diamond wedding ring placed on it. I look back up to see two teal eyes staring at me. His blonde hair whips with the strong AC coming from the vents. 

"G-Garroth?" I question, startled. 

He gives me a friendly smirk, "The one and only." Garroth jokes. I'm married to...


~Reality, Aphmau's POV

I wake up with a start. My eyes jolt open as I sit straight up in my bed, "I guess it was a dream." I mutter to myself. 

"What was a dream?" A semi-deep familiar voice says in the corner of my room... Laurance. I freeze, not wanting to share anything. I think for a moment, searching my thoughts for an excuse. 

"N-Nothing!" I exclaim. That's the best I got... Really!? Laurance grins childishly, "What?" I question. 

"Tell me." Laurance whines, with the same tone as his grin. I shake my head no. Laurance gets up from the chair at my desk and walks closer. He kneels down at my bedside, "Please... Tell me." He pressures. 

The childish look and tone is completely washed away. His tone is serious yet caring. He isn't playing around anymore... 

"No." I state firmly. A look of frustration appears on his face, but disappears just as fast. I think of something to change the topic, "So, where did Garroth and Dante go?" I ask. 

It feels weird for me to say Garroth's name, regarding the dream that just occurred in my mind, "Dante's in the living room and Garroth's-- Hey! I know what you're doing!" Laurance snaps. 

I giggle softly at his reaction, "I'm not telling you." I state. He groans, mumbling something under his breath, "Seriously, where's Garroth?" I ask. 

"On patrol." Laurance mutters. I nod, understanding. Laurance pouts, "Tell me..." He begs. 

I sigh, knowing that he won't leave me alone unless I say something. I take a breath, then speak, "Don't get mad or anything but-" I start. 

"I won't get mad." Laurance interrupts me. 

Laurance smiles, I return the gesture then continue, "I had a dream where everything was black and white.." I take a breath. Laurance starts tapping his foot, while shows that he's growing impatient, "And I had a child." I inform. 

"I hope it was mine." I hear Laurance mutter. I know it wasn't intended for me to hear, so I take no thought to it even know a blush seems to creep onto my cheeks. 

"The only thing is that... I was married." I say. 

"What's so bad about that?" Laurance asks. 

"...I was married to Garroth." I finish nervously. 

Laurance's eyed widen, his expression extremely surprised, "W-What?" He questions. He is obviously doubting his ears. 

"I was married to Garroth." I repeat myself slowly. 

Slow enough for him to process. I give him a moment before speaking again, "This was a dream... Right?" He assures himself. ...How could it not be a dream? I nod. Laurance takes a breath of relief, "Good." He mumbles. 

I get up from the bed, but my feet shake as they touch the ground. Laurance holds my shoulders gently but firmly in attempt to help my balance. 

"Dante!" He exclaims, glancing at the door. 

Seconds later, a blue haired boy runs into the room, "What's wrong?" Dante asks. (A/N: Unhandwritten from this point on. Can't believe I got 800+ words with handwritten xD) 

"She can't stand. When she tries on her own, her feet wobble and she almost falls." Laurance explains, not meeting eye contact with me at all. 

Dante runs his fingers thru his hair with frustration, "I was scared this was going to happen." Dante mumbles, not meaning for us to hear that. 

Laurance sits me back on the bed rather harshly. He then stomps up to Dante, "What!?" Laurance exclaims, anger evident in his voice. 

Chills run down my spine at his tone, "Laurance... Calm down." I choke out. 

It pains me to not be able to do something. It's only a couple inches away, yet so far.,"I will not calm down!" Laurance exclaims angrily. 


"I can't believe it." Dante mumbles. 

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" Dante chants, happily. 

He pumps his fist into the air, "What!?" Laurance asks, confused. I'm equally as confused. 

"That only happens to descendants of the Divine Warriors." Dante says. 

Laurance's anger is completely gone, washed away, "I knew that I could turn into my angelic form.. But I didn't know that!" I exclaim. 

"I know... Crazy, right?" Dante replies, the three of us in awe. I can't believe I'm a descendant.


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