Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 31)~The O'khasis News

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A/N: Before I start, I want to thank you all for 2k reads. I love you all dearly. <3<3 ~Car


Aphmau's POV

About 30 Minutes Later...

Once we reach Travis' hut, Dante looks at Vylad. Vylad and Dante exchange nervous glances before Travis clears his throat.

"We're here." Travis seems slightly nervous. 

Vylad glances at his blonde brother, then we all direct our attention to the Travis, "Why'd you bring us here?" I ask. 

Travis sighs, "O'khasis is on a mad search for the missing Vylad Ro'Meave." Travis starts. Vylad sinks into his scarf, "With the recent death of Garroth Ro'Meave," Garroth's eyes widen as he shakes his head slightly, causing some hair to fall in front of his eyes, "O'khasis has been wildly disturbed. They're on high alert right now, and with these two," Travis motions to the real Ro'Meave brothers, "You guys could've gotten killed or charged for murder and or kidnapping." Travis smacks his lips together before continuing, "And we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?" Travis asks rhetorically. 

Laurance, Dante and I shake our heads no rapidly. Travis chuckles at our reactions, not knowing that we have the actual Ro'Meave's with us, "Heh... Come on, lets get your inside." Travis glances at the sky, "It looks like it's going to rain soon." Travis leads us inside with the open of his door. 

Travis walks in first, then lets us step inside. Travis blocks us from walking further into the room. He spreads his arms out, showing his full wingspan, "Welcome to my humble abode!" Travis exclaims. 

I giggle, "Thanks." I reply. 

Travis laughs with me as he lowers his arms. "Well... I guess you could say, I'm the master at..." Travis starts. Before he finishes, he grabs me by the waist and pulls me into his grasp to where I'm bridal style in his arms, "Sweeping pretty ladies off their feet." Travis finishes. 

I hear one of the boys growl (Garroth or Laurance probably. Maybe even both), "Well... I always got to claw my way out of these furry situations." I make my usual cat puns.

I wiggle from Travis' grasp. As I open my mouth to say something else, I feel a hand smack onto my face (and the hand so happens to be on my mouth where I was going to tell my amazing puns). 

"No more cat puns." A voice says.

I look up and see Garroth not bothering to even look down at me. Garroth lowers his hand cautiously, "But my puns were PAWsome." I reply. 

An annoyed groan escapes from Laurance, "Shut up with the puns!" Laurance exclaims, annoyance evident in his voice. 

I glare at Laurance and Garroth. "Fine." I puff. 

Garroth nods with approval at the thought of no more puns (😭 but I like puns), "Let's get you guys inside... You all seem cold." Travis pulls us inside and sits us on his couch. 

Seconds pass of Travis' absence. When he comes back, he has quite a few cups of tea balanced on his arms. Travis places each cup down carefully in front of everybody, including himself. Garroth glances at the tea suspiciously. 

He brings it up to his nose and sniffs it before taking a sip. Surprisingly, Dante and Vylad have been pretty quiet... But I can't blame them, Vylad isn't used to this (none of us are) and Dante hasn't gotten a chance to talk. 

"Now..." Travis leans over in his chair, only to place his elbows on his knees, "About the latest O'khasis events..."

Third Person.

Back In O'khasis...

Zane pounds his fists on the table angrily at his mother, "Where. Is. Vylad?" Zane questions, expecting a solid answer. 

"I-I don't know!" The Ro'Meave's mother, Zianna stutters in response. 

Zane growls under his breath, "You're no help." Zane snarls. He gets up, pushing his chair about a foot behind him, "Fetch me a guard." Zane commands. 

Zianna nods, then scurries off into the hallway. I don't want my Zuu Zuu to be hurt... But is this how to make sure that doesn't happen? Zianna thought to herself as she got the guard at Zane's request. Zane tapped his foot on the ground impatiently. Once Zianna comes back into the room with a guard, Zane shoots her a glare for the extended time of absence. 

Garte walks into the room, "Where're you going, son?" Garte questions, completely ignoring his wife's presence.

"Out on the town..." Zane starts as he walks out the door, "I have some business to attend to..." Zane finishes. 

An evil, blood chilling laugh escapes Zane's mouth as he fleas from the castle, floating into the crowd of O'khasian people in the ground below.


A/N: Thank you all so much for 2k reads! You all are amazing duckies ❤️ Hope you enjoyed the chapter! ~Car

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