Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 13)~They're Gone

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Lowell's POV

I hear Garroth and Aphmau screaming around me, small whimpers coming from Laurance. I try to move, but I can't do anything. Their figures blur, until Aphmau panics. She presses her hands against my chest, a blinding light excruciating thru the place. Once the light dissipates, I am sitting straight up. 

"Agh... My head." I complain, rubbing my head against my furry head. 

Garroth's eyes widen, along with Aph's. Laurance looks at me with a sleepy expression. His eyes widen once he realizes that it's me. 

"L-Lowell?" Aphmau chokes. 

"Aphmau, how'd you do that?" Garroth questions, turning his head to her. 

"I have no idea.." Aphmau replies, then looks back at Laurance, who gives her a weak smile. 

She then turns her head towards me again. I transform back into my human form, everyone staring at me. I look at my legs, my pants ripped. Holes fill my knees, trailing down to my feet. Aphmau hugs me quickly and releases just as quickly. I look around to see a jealous Garroth and Laurance. I shrug it off then attempt to get up, Aphmau pushing me back down.

"You need your rest." Aphmau states. She looks back at Laurance, "Laurance, move." She commands. 

Laurance struggles to get off of the bed, but Garroth helps him. Aphmau and Garroth drag me to the bed, Garroth hoisting me up to it. I fall asleep as my head hits the pillow.

Aphmau's POV

I rush to Laurance, hugging him after Lowell falls asleep, "Are you ok?" I mumble. He nods as we release. I glance at Garroth, who's pulling the covers over Lowell, "What should we do? The werewolves could still be out there." I say. 

"I don't know, but we can't take Laurance out of here. He may be able to stand, but he's not completely healed. The wolves would hurt him even more, or worse, kill him." Garroth explains. 

"You're right. I'm going to check outside though." I state. 

There's silence in the room for a second, "I can't let you do that.." Garroth and Laurance say at the same time. 

Without saying anything, I exit the room, "Aphmau!" Laurance calls out, "Like I said, I can't let you do that." Laurance says, running up to me. 

I start to walk off, but he wraps his hand around my wrist, restraining me from going anywhere, "Let go of me." I grumble. 

"No. You're not going out there. If you leave, I'll have Garroth after you." Laurance says. 

"I said let go of me!" I command. 

Laurance is silent, but Garroth walks out, breaking the silence, "I'm coming too." Garroth says.

"Somebody has to stay back and watch Lowell and Laurance." I look back, Laurance's hand unraveling itself from my wrist, "And that's not going to be me." I finish, then run out of the castle. 

I pull out a diamond sword that I stole from a guard on my way downstairs. I walk outside, the crisp and cold air hitting my face. I look back and sigh, then make my way out to the fields. Most of the werewolves have left, so that means I'm safe. Something then tackles me. It's.. Garroth!? 

"Garroth, get off of me!" I command, squirming around in attempt to get out of his grasp. 

"Go into the castle." Garroth demands.

"No." I reply. I wiggle out of his grip and run away, heading to my house. I slam the door behind me, Garroth now pacing at my door, "Leave me alone." I grumble. 

"No!" Garroth replies. I hear the doorknob move, then him walk in. 

I turn around, "Watch over Laurance and Lowell. The wolves are gone, I'm fine on my own." I state. 

"...I heard my name." A familiar voice chimes. 

Laurance comes around, peeking his head into the doorway, "You both followed me!?" I exclaim, grabbing Laurance's arm and pulling him inside. I drag him to his room, push him onto his bed then leave the room. 

I walk to Garroth, "Please go check on Lowell." I plead. 

Garroth nods then exits the house. I close the door, plopping down onto the couch and taking a deep breath. Ugh, why does this have to be so stressful?

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