Best Friend (Chapter 32)~Lets Break Into The Castle, Kawaii~Chan.

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BTW, the chapter title is different because I was over the max character limit. :P It'll be back to normal next chapter, I promise! c:


Song: Nightcore - Ariana Grande Medley [Kurt Hugo Schneider] (Switching Vocals) [Lyrics] by TeddieNightcore


A/N: Sorry I'm obsessed with nightcore ;-; DUN JUDGE PLZ


(Yes Carleigh has long author's notes ;-;)

NEW COVERRRR!! :D I hope you guys like it. Tell me if you do in the comments<3



Third Person


"DONNA. KIKI. LOGAN." Zane roars as he bursts into a small hut in the remote part of O'khasis. 

Kiki's head snaps in Zane's direction, "High Priest Zane! How may we assist you today?" Kiki asks, rushing over to the visitor. 

"I need Logan." Zane states. 

"Logan's not here right now--" Kiki starts.

"THEN CALL HIM, RED HEAD." Zane snaps. 

Kiki nods, then rushes to the phone, "Hello?" Logan says into the phone 

"Logan, get here right now." Kiki commands 

"Why?" Logan questions.

"Zane is here." Kiki informs. 

The line goes dead as Logan rushes out his door to get to Zane and Kiki, "I'm leaving, Donna!" Logan exclaims as he runs out the door, not giving the brunette a second to reply. Logan's jacket whips in the wind as he bolts to the small hut, "I-I'm here!" Logan pants as he opens the door to their shop, "High Priest Zane! Hello..!" Logan greets, still catching his breath. 

"Logan..." Zane starts 

"What do you need?" Logan questions. 

"I need a tracking potion." Zane informs 

"May I ask the reason...?" Logan asks hesitantly. 

"Vylad Ro'Meave... My baby brother. He's missing coincidentally only a few hours after Garroth's death. I need to find him." Zane explains.

Zane doesn't want to find his brother out of sincerity, but out of revenge, "Got it." Logan says as he finishes writing something on his notepad. Logan looks up, "I'll call Zoey and Kawaii~Chan so they can help me make the potion. You should have it by tomorrow evening, Sir." Logan gives off a small smile. 

"Good. No later than 10PM, ok?" Zane demands. 

"Yes! We'll have it done by then," Logan looks at Kiki before continuing, "Kiki, call Zoey and Kawaii~Chan." Logan looks back at Zane as Kiki scrambles over to the phone, "We'll have it ready." Logan assures. 

"Good." Zane replies coldly. 

Zane then pushes past Logan and walks out the door with his cape flying thru the wind. Logan quickly closes the door, only for it to be opened again, "Kawaii~Chan and Zoey~Chan are here!" Kawaii~Chan exclaims.

Logan turns in the girl's direction, "We have to get a tracking potion for Zane Ro'Meave and it needs to be done by 10PM tomorrow night. Do you think we'll be able to get it done in time?" Logan informs. 

Zoey thinks for a moment, "If we get to work immediately, then yes. Who's he trying to track?" Zoey asks. 

"Vylad Ro'Meave." Kiki says as she walks over. 

"Kawaii~Chan will go get one of Vylad~Kun's items. Kawaii~Chan needs something of Vylad~Kun's to get DNA for the tracking potion the work. Logan~Kun, Zoey~Chan, please get started on the potion. Kiki~Sama needs to come with Kawaii~Chan." Kawaii~Chan gives everyone orders. Immediately, everyone gets to work, "Ok, is Kiki~Sama ready to get something of Vylad~Kun's?" Kawaii~Chan asks.

Kiki wraps a pitch black mask around her face, "As ready as I'll ever be.." Kiki replies. Kawaii~Chan throws a mask on as well, seeing as the two would have to break into the castle to get something, "Lets break into the castle..." Kiki mutters.


Aphmau's POV

A Couple Hours Later...

I yawn, tired after talking with the guys for hours on end, "Is there... Is there anywhere we can sleep?" I ask Travis as my eyes grow heavy

"Yea! Of.. Of course! Let me get it set up, one second." Travis scrambles to his feet then disappears into a small hallway a few feet away from us. 

I hear another yawn escape someone else's mouth. I look around the room and see Vylad yawning. Vylad glances in my direction, "You tired?" I ask. 

Vylad nods with tired eyes, "All ready!" Travis exclaims as his voice gets louder and louder, signalling everyone that he's getting closer to us. Travis soon comes into sight, "It's ready." He repeats. 

I glance around at the whole room of boys, then back at Travis. I give Travis a small, genuine smile. I then get up and walk over to him, "Thank you for opening up your house to us." I thank. 

"Think nothing of it, I'm glad we stumbled upon each other." Travis then gets closer to my ear, "A smooch would be the best way of thanking me." Travis whispers into my ear. 

When he pulls back, I chuckle, "In your wildest dreams." I say, rolling my eyes. 

"What'd he say?" Laurance asks from behind us. 

I turn around as Travis looks at Laurance, "I said that a sm--" Travis starts, but I cut him off by throwing my and over his mouth, "Mphm!" Travis' voice is muffled as my eyes are as big as saucers

"Nothing! He said.. Nothing!" I exclaim. 

Laurance seems hesitant to let it slide, but eventually shrugs it off. I lower my hand from Travis' face, "Well... Night guys!" I smile at them all. 

Dante and Vylad give me small waves while Garroth smiles. Laurance gets up and walks me into the hallway after Travis and I exchange 'goodnight's' with each other. 

"Are you ok?" Laurance asks in a quiet, lowered voice. 

"Of course I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I plaster a smile onto my face. Laurance's face drops into a small frown 

"What's wrong?" He questions. 

"You know me to well..." I mutter. I then look up at him, "Everything. Do you think Zane will do anything about Vylad being missing after Garroth's 'death'?" I ask. 

"Pfft, no. Zane's heartless. I doubt he even cares about Vylad's disappearance and Garroth's 'death'." Laurance replies. 

My smile becomes genuine, "Ok.. Thanks." I say. 

"Thanks for what?" Laurance asks. 

"Just.. Being there for me." I thank. 

Laurance smiles and caresses my cheek, "No problem." Laurance gets close to my face, "Your dad would be so mad.." Laurance mutters. 

"I know." I say as he connects our lips. Once we pull back, both Laurance and I are blushing messes, "S-See you in the morning." I say. 

"See you in the morning..." Laurance replies. I smile at him, then scurry into the room that Travis had set up for us.


Third Person

Little did Aphmau and Laurance know... That Zane is actually planning something.

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