Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 12)~Werewolved

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Laurance's POV

As Garroth and I are talking, we hear sudden cries for help from the city below. Guards start pouring out of every direction and march down to the town plaza. Garroth and I look at each other, pull out our swords then rush to the scene. Garroth and I go around asking questions of the happening to the guards, but they're too busy to even answer Garroth! 

Him and I meet up on the outskirts, "What're we going to do?" I ask 

"I don't know. But I think we should help." Garroth suggests. 

I nod and start off but someone tackles me. I look up and it's a teenage boy with white and brown hair. His brown eyes look painfully into my soul.

"Please help me, my family's tearing up the guards!" The small boy yells. 

I slither out from under him, helping him up, "What and who are you?" I question, not in any hesitation to put my sword to his neck. 

I glace behind me quickly to see Garroth not there, then I turn my head to the front of me and he's fighting the wolves off that are coming in our direction. 

"M-My name is Lowell and I'm a werewolf." The boy explains. I put my sword to his neck as he says that, "I-I won't hurt you... I'm only 15! Please.. Don't hurt me!" The boy pleads. His big, brown eyes show the same fear that I had when I became a Shadow Knight.

I could tell he was being truthful, so I lower my sword, grab his hand and lead him up the hill where Garroth's castle is perched upon. I look behind me at where Garroth was, and he gives me an assuring nod then continues fighting. I take Lowell to the shed where he can hide without guards suspecting him. The guards wouldn't let me into the castle without Garroth, so it's my best bet.

"Stay here until we get you, ok?" I let go of his hand as he nods. 

I give him a small (yet warm) smile, him returning it. I then run off and help Garroth. I see Garroth get knocked to the ground, a werewolf scratching at his armor and biting at his face. Garroth's sword was knocked out of his hand, now sliding to my feet. A werewolf takes my distraction as an oppurtunity and tackles me the same way as Garroth was. The wolf and I make eye contact, then the wolf starts slashing at me. I don't have any armor on, so I start to yelp as the painful claws enter my skin. I jump to the closest solution and bite the paw of the werewolf. The wolf howls, me slivering out of it's reach. 

I grab Garroth's head and pull him out by that. It was the only way I was going to get him out, his shoulders were under the wolf's paws so that wasn't an option. After I grab Garroth's shoulders and drag him completely out of the scene, I help him up and lead him to Lowell. Before I make it there, I see my vision getting blurry. I shake my head and let go of Garroth's hand, grabbing onto his shoulder as my feet start to get wobbly. Garroth wraps his arm around my shoulder in attempt to help me keep my stance. He limps along with me, having much more strength than myself. Garroth sits me down on the ground then goes to Lowell. 

While I'm sitting, a shadow comes out from the stables and throws me down. I look up and it's a dark brown werewolf. It claws at my face, making my mouth bleed. I punch it then it does the same, forcing me to have a black eye. I yelp, then it starts clawing at my body like the other did before. It's claws fit perfectly into my previous wounds, digging deeper into my skin. I start screaming in pain, then Garroth comes back and knocks it to the ground. Garroth slashes it, the wolf whimpering then crawling back to the rest of the tribe. 

Garroth and Lowell drag me back, then we get to the doors. They both help me up, then Garroth opens the door. Lowell hides behind the other wooden door, afraid of the people inside. Garroth and I trudge inside, making our way to the dining room. Lowell follows behind us, but hides behind the door once again. Garroth and I run as fast as we can, barging into the room. Immediately as we get in the room, I fall to the ground. 

"Laurance!" I here Aphmau cry. After that, everything goes black.

Garroth's POV

My heart beats a mile a minute as we fight off the werewolves. As I'm gone, getting Lowell from the stables, I hear Laurance start to scream. I run back and tackle the wolf that was trapping Laurance. I slash the wolf with my sword, get off of it then tend to Laurance. Lowell and I drag him back to the castle, then make our way to the dining room. Laurance and I start running as fast as we can then burst into the dining room. Laurance falls to the floor in seconds then everyone (Other than Garte) rises from their seats to usher us. 

"Laurance!" Aphmau cries out, rushing to Laurance.

Everyone starts bombarding me with questions, "The werewolves... They're coming." I pant. 

Gasps escape through the room, even from Garte. Garte calls the remaining guards out to help the remaining fighters. Ushers escort us to our room, Laurance, Lowell and Aphmau following me into mine. Aphmau, Lowell and I lay Laurance on the bed, Aphmau rushing out of the room to the medical appliances room to get some supplies. Lowell turns into a wolf and applies pressure with his paws and fur. I make sure most people don't come in, with Lowell being in the formation he's in, people will swing at him on sight. Aphmau burst into the door then starts putting disinfectant on Laurance's wounds, Lowell turning back to his human form. 

Laurance winces as pain as he starts to wake up. Aphmau shushes him, Laurance stopping seconds later. Aphmau slides his shirt off, revealing his cut-filled chest. Laurance... Moans? (He either winces or moans, I couldn't tell...) When she touches his chest to put disinfectant on it. Aphmau seems to be a bit taken back, but doesn't seem to mind it and continues what she's doing. Laurance continues to wince until Aphmau starts wrapping bandages over his body. 

"Garroth, get me a clean shirt." Aphmau commands. 

I nod then rummage through my drawers, throwing her a shirt. She has Laurance slip it on. He does as she commands, then Lowell leaves to get hot soup. Hot soup always helps. When Lowell comes back it, he hands Laurance what he got. We hear shuffling and grunting from outside, so Aphmau, Lowell and I rush to the window. We see a werewolf climbing up the vines of the castle, making its way to our window. It burst through the window, tackling over Lowell. Lowell turns into wolf form and starts fighting with the wolf. They clawed and bit at each other. Aphmau and I tried to decrease it, but we kept getting pushed away. 

We eventually gave up, then the wolf bit Lowell hard. Lowell starts whimpering, the whimpers turning into silent cries for help. The wolf gets up then jumps out the window, hitting the ground with a thud. We look out the window and see the wolf running away into the woods. We see Laurance passed out, the soup probably knocked him out. Aphmau rushes to Lowell, me following. She puts her fingers on his neck, checking his pulse. Aphmau looks at me with a distraught and worried look on her face. 

"What is it?" I question 

"Lowell's dead." She says. 

"What?" I yell 

"There's no pulse." She states. What have we done...?

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