Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 7)~Love Triangle

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Laurance's POV 

As Aphmau's asleep, I get up. She needs a change of clothes, and so I think it would be nice to get her some. Hopefully I don't die from going through her drawers.... I get up, and walk over to her sleeping body. She stirs around in her sleep, but I ignore that and kiss her on the forehead. 

"I love you... More than just a friend." I whisper, even know I'm 99% sure she can't hear me.

I smile, confessing it felt good, even if she couldn't hear me. I sneak out of her room, gently closing the door then entering the hallway. I walk out of the building, then head over to our house when I run into Garroth. We both fall onto the ground. 

"Sorry, Garroth." I apologize. 

"Sorry." He stumbles to get up on his feet, helping me up. 

"Thanks." I thank

He nods, "Is Aphmau home?" He asks. 

"Unfortunately not, she's at the doctor." I inform. 

"What's wrong?" Concern laces with his words. 

"She has a high fever, and so I'm going to get her a change of clothes before she wakes up. Oh yea, she's asleep." I answer. 

"Oh... Can I come?... To see Aphmau of course." He asks. 

"Sure! I just got to get her a change of clothes, you can come if you want." I offer, walking towards my house with Garroth following behind me.

We walk into my house, Garroth staying at the front door as I open the one to Aphmau's room, "You can actually come inside if you want, she wouldn't mind." I chuckle softly. 

He does too, coming closer to me. I head into Aphmau's room, Garroth hesitantly walking inside. I go through Aphmau's drawers, "Are you sure she'd be ok with you going throghu her stuff?" Garroth asks. 

"Nope!" I pop the 'p'. 

I find a white t-shirt, a purple hoodie and black skinny jeans. I put the clothes in a small bag, then walk over to the hospital. Once Garroth and I get inside, all eyes are on us. Well, not me, Garroth. Everyone bows to him or shows him some kind of respect. He blushes and waves, then walks into the hallways with me. I look back, past Garroth's shoulders and see people giving me jealous or mean looks. 

"Laurance, is everything ok?" He asks

I guess he thinks I was looking at him, "Y-Yea!" I stutter nervously. 

He smiles and I turn my head around, walking into Aphmau's room. She stirs around at the creaking door, so I open it softly and signal Garroth to be careful with the door. Garroth shuts the door softly, then I lay the bag of clothes by her bed. 

I sit down, allowing Garroth to go to Aphmau. Aphmau starts to wake up as Garroth's hand cups her face. Jealousy covers my emotions, but I fight the urge to become a Shadow Knight. I excuse myself to the restroom to collect my thoughts and calm down.

Garroth's POV

I cup Aphmau's cheek with my hand, "Hi." I say, quietly. 

I hear Laurance excuse himself and shut the door, I don't think anything of it. Aphmau looks startled at first when she opens her eyes, but when she realizes it's me, her expression softens to a warm smile. We continue to talk until Laurance walks back into the room

Aphmau's POV

Yea, I'm quite startled by Garroth, but I soften my expression, giving him a nice smile, "Hi." I say in a sleepy voice. 

We continue talking, and now Garroth has a chair by my bed. The door opens, I look to see who it is and it's Laurance, "Laurance." I croak, my voice raspy. 

Laurance's face lights up and he comes closer to me, Garroth getting out of the way. Laurance wraps me in his embrace, me doing the same, "How're you feeling?" He asks. 

"Decent." I reply.

He quickly releases from the hug, "Do you want water, ice, food, a book?" He bombards me with questions. 

"I'm fine." I chuckle. 

Garroth grows a jealous look on his face, but ignore it and keep a smile on my face. Finally, both of them sit down and we talk for a couple hours until a nurse comes inside, "I'm sorry to interrupt but visiting hours are ov-" The nurse starts, but Garroth turns around, showing his face to the nurse. 

She stops dead in her tracks. Garroth gives her a warm smile, but she looks terrified, "S-S-Stay as long as you want." She assures.

"Well, we better be leaving." Garroth gets up. 

"I'm so sorry, Sir!" The nurse apologizes. 

"No need, love." He replies, his British accent making her blush. 

Him and Garroth put the chairs back, the nurse gone, "Feel better, Aphmau." Garroth comes over and kisses my forehead. 

I blush, "Bye, Garroth." He smiles at me then leaves. Laurance excuses himself, but I stop him, "Wait, Laurance." I speak. He looks back, "When am I allowed to come home?" I ask. 

"I don't know, but the doctor said you'd most likely be better in a week or two." Laurance replies, smiling. 

"C-Can you stay here with me? Hospitals creep me out." I confess. 

"Uhh..." He thinks about it for a moment, my eyes still hopeful "

Gah, why not?" Laurance continues, grabbing two chairs. 

He puts them together, dropping his shoes on the floor then propping his feet on the chair, "I can tell you took your shoes off." I playfully swipe air away from my nose. 

He chuckles. I hand him an extra blanket from under the bed. He wraps it around himself then falls asleep as the light turns off. I roll over, my back to Laurance. I fall asleep quickly, thinking about what he said earlier.

Garroth's POV

It pained me to leave Aphmau, but I do love her. I know, it's crazy, because we just met. But I love her...

Laurance's POV

I know it now, more than ever before. I love Aphmau, but I think I have competition with Garroth. But I don't know for sure yet. All I know is that I love Aphmau, and that is final.


A/N: I know, bad chapter ending. But I couldn't think of anything to end it other than that. Hope you liked it! ~Carleigh

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