Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 6)~Diagnosed

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Garroth's POV (Garroth's Age: 19)

Is this normal? I just met this girl and I risked my life for her. I think I'm already in love, after just a few hours. Love worKs in strange ways, I guess. After Laurance is turned normal, Aphmau walks off. Laurance watches her as she disappears into the distance. Now that both Laurance and Vylad are calm, I decide to walk Laurance home to prevent any further troubles. 

I fumble with my keys, then turn the lock, pushing the door open, "There." I say. 

Laurance thanks me, then walks inside, closing the door behind him. I sigh, then walk off. I accidentally run into Aphmau as I walk back to the castle.. 

"Thank you so much, Garroth. I am so sorry for what happened, is there anyway I can repay you?" She offers. 

I hand my phone, us exchanging it. She types her number in then hands it back to me, I doing the same. 

"Thanks again." She smiles. 

"No problem." I reply. We then part, making our separate ways.

Aphmau's POV

I hand Garroth his phone back, as he does mine, "Thanks again." I give him a warm smile. 

"No problem." He replies. 

We then walk off in completely different directions. Once I reach my house, I check my temperature and it's only getting worse. I groan, hitting my bed and falling asleep instantly.

(Next Morning, Aphmau's POV)

I wake up in a cold sweat, "Laurance!" I scream. 

He runs into my room, not hesitating to hop on top of me and feel my forehead, "Oh my Irene! You're burning up!" Laurance states, getting off of me, then picking me up and rushing me out into the cold air. 

Snow trickles down on us, the town empty. The snow mounting on top of everything, until it looks like a white blanket. Laurace knocks me out of my thoughts by saying my name twice. 

"Aphmau.. Aphmau...!" Laurance repeats. 

"W-What?" I question. 

"We're here." He smiles. 

"Oh..." I squeak. He sets me down, earning weird looks from the nurses. 

"Sir, is this your wife?" A lady asks. 

Laurance and I turn bright red, "N-N-No... W-We're just f-friends." Laurance stutters. 

The lady chuckles, "So, what's wrong?" She asks. 

"Well, my FRIEND, Aphmau here, is burning up with a fever that's been going on for a couple days. She's getting warmer by the day..." Laurance explains. 

I look up at him, then back at the lady. She must notice because she starts searching thru papers, for who knows what. 


"Coming!" Dr.Doctor says, coming out of the hallway. 

She whispers something to the doctor, then he grabs my hand and leads me down the hall, "A-Aphmau..." I hear Laurance say. I look back at Laurance then back at the doctor.

(1 Hour Later, Aphmau's POV)

"Well, you have a very high fever, Miss. Aphmau." The Doctor informs me, Laurance walking into the room as he says that. 

"When will it be healed?" Laurance asks, startling the doctor. 

"W-We actually don't know, Sir. But an estimate is about a week or two. Possibly even three, but that's highly unlikely." The Doctor plasters a smile on his face, Laurance not returning it. 

"Can I see her... Alone, please?" Laurance asks. 

The Doctor nods, making his way out of the room. Laurance closes the door, then pulls a chair close to the bed I'm in. 

"How're you feeling?" He asks.

 "Get away from me, you'll get sick too. I don't want you sick." I mumble. 

"I'm not leaving.." He grabs my hand, "I'll be here every step of the way." He smile, causing me to do the same. 

"Thank you, Laurance." I shake his hand a bit, "To be honest, I'm scared, Laurance." I confess. 

"No need. You'll be find. I'm sure of it." Laurance assures. 

"But that doesn't do anything." I roll my eyes. 

"Of course it does!" Laurance retorts, causing me to chuckle, "I love you hear you laugh." He gushes, causing me to blush. 

"That's not creepy." I remark, my blush disappearing. We both laugh, "I'm glad I have you as a best friend, Laurance." I smile.

"Me too." He replies, his grip on my hand tightening but loosening shortly after. I soon fall asleep, but I don't know about Laurance. 

Before I slip into dream world, I feel Laurance kiss my forehead, "I love you... More than just a friend." He says in a whisper. I drop into dream world.

Falling In Love With A Best Friend =Laurmau Fanfiction= []DISCONTINUED[]Where stories live. Discover now