Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 18)~Dante

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A/N: First of all, thank you to everybody who's reading this! I just realized that this got 400+ reads. Thank you guys! ~Carleigh

Laurance's POV

I hear a thud and see a panicked Dante once I close the door. My eyes trail down to the floor, "Aphmau!" I exclaim. I kneel down and place my fingers on her neck to check a pulse. She's alive, alright... Just... Unconscious, "Dante, you get comfortable.. I'll get Aphmau into her room." I say.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Dante asks. 

"I'm positive." I reply. 

"No, I insist." Dante insists. I chuckle, "What's so funny?" Dante questions playfully as I pick Aphmau up. 

"You remind me so much about myself." I inform. 

"How so?" He asks. 

"You just do. If Aph got to know you, she'd say the same thing." I say. Dante rolls his eyes, then I take Aphmau to her room. I carefully lay her on the bed, pulling the covers over her. I kiss her forehead, "Sleep well..." I mumble. 

She stirs around a bit, but not enough to wake up. I crack a warm smile, then walk out of the room. I close the door behind me. Since the lights were already off, I didn't need to worry about that. I look at Dante, who's peeling off his chestplate. Once he takes that off, he has a white t-shirt under it. A red hoodie lays on the couch, (That isn't mine or Aphmau's) so he slips it on. (I guess it was Dante's). Dante looks at me once his armor is off. 

"If you don't mind... I took my armor off." Dante says, noticing my presence. 

"Don't sweat about it. Garroth takes his armor off all the time." I reply. 

"Who's Garroth?" Dante asks. 

I think for a moment, should I tell him? I look into his eyes and see innocence and a warming heart. I can trust this guy, "He's the heir to Lordship here in O'khasis. Aph and I know him personally, like a friend." I inform. 

Dante looks stunned, "I'm surprised you told me. Since we just met and-" He starts. 

"I can tell that you're a trustworthy guy." I reply, smiling. Dante returns the gesture. Like it was on cue, there's a knock on the door. In the reflection of the window, I see Garroth standing there, "Come in, Garroth!" I exclaim. 

Dante's eyes widen. Garroth fumbles with the doorknob, then walks in. Dante's eyes are practically saucers once he sees Garroth. I turn around. Garroth and I smile at each other. 

"Laurance, who's this?" Garroth asks. 

I motion Dante to come closer, "Garroth, this is Dante. Dante, this is Garroth." I introduce. 

"Nice to meet you." Garroth smiles, then puts his hand out for Dante to shake. Dante gladly accepts, then shakes his hand. They release, "Do you know where Aphmau is? I wanted to tell her something." Garroth questions. 

I think for a moment, should I tell him she passed out? I don't want him to worry, he already has enough on his shoulders as it is.

"S-She's sleeping!" I exclaim. I never stutter, what's wrong with me? 

"You're stuttering." Dante mumbles in my ear, nudging me in the side. 

"I noticed.." I reply softly, it coming off slightly harsh. 

"Ok! Tell me when she's awake... I need to talk to her." Garroth empathizes the word 'need'.

"I don't mean to be nosy... But about what?" I ask. 

"She asked me to have some people imprison the Shadow Knights that attacked you guys. We're still on a search for a guy with blue hair... Wait! Y-You're him!" Garroth exclaims, pointing to Dante at the end. 

Dante's eyes widen again, "WAIT! I-I was forced to come...! My brother, Gene, forced me to come! I didn't want to.. I'm sorry!" Dante apologizes, backing up slowly. 

I rush to Garroth, and tell him that Dante's telling the truth. Garroth seems to calm down, then grabs his phone out of his armor, "The search is over guys. The blue haired one is harmless." Garroth says, probably talking to the head guard. 

Muffled words come out from the phone. Garroth then stuffs the phone back in where his pocket is. Dante looks absolutely relieved, "Wanna do something?" I offer. Garroth smiles, then slips out of his armor like Dante did earlier. The three of us sit on the couch, when the door opens, "STRANGER DANGER!" I yell playfully as Aphmau walks into the room. She smiles sleepily, chuckling softly, "How'd you sleep?" I ask her, my eyes glued to the TV with the remote in my hand. 

"I slept?" She questions. I look at her and motion to Garroth without him noticing. She catches on quickly, "Y-Yea! I slept well, thanks." She replies. 

Dante doesn't seem to question it, him knowing why we didn't say anything. We don't want Garroth to worry about Aphmau, with him being a guard and the heir to Lordship, he already has a majority of O'khasis' problems on his shoulder. We don't need to add another one. Aphmau sits down in the space that's between Dante and I. She looks quite sleepy. I get closer to her ear, 

"Do you want to sleep for real?" I mumble in her ear, so nobody else hears. She nods softly, then curls up in a small ball. I roll my eyes, then pull her closer. I glance at Garroth, who's looking at me, "She was tired." I say. 

He nods, giving me a small smile. Aphmau, Dante, Garroth and I then glue our eyes to the TV. I hear snores coming not from just Aphmau, but from Dante as well. Garroth and I glance at each other. 

"You get Dante." Him and I both say at the same time. 

We burst our laughing, then I pick up Aphmau and lay her in her bed (once again). I hear Garroth taking Dante into the guest room. Once I leave the room, Garroth's already slipping his armor on again. I take Dante's armor to Dante's room, then walk into the living room. 

"I gotta go patrol." Garroth informs.

I nod, "Need help?" I ask, smirking.

Garroth looks at me, slightly surprised, "Sure!" He exclaims. 

I smile, "There's armor at the castle for you." He offers. I thank him, then we go to the castle to get some armor.

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