Falling In Love With A Best Friend (Chapter 14)~Feelings Or Not?

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Garroth's POV

I leave to take care of Lowell as Aphmau requested. I know that I shouldn't be taking orders from her, (or, at least according to Garte) but she's my friend and I want to be nice to her. I walk away to the castle to see Lowell sprawled out on my bed. He looks fast asleep, so I decide not to bother him. I leave a small note, then leave, heading to Aphmau's.

Aphmau's POV

Laurance goes to his room when Garroth leaves. I slouch on the couch and turn on the TV. After a few minutes, I hear a knock on the door, followed by the clanking of metal armor. Garroth. 

"Come in!" I exclaim, loud enough for him to hear me. 

He opens the door, "Lowell's sleeping. I left him a note." Garroth says. 

I nod, then invite him in. Him and I watch movies for a while until Laurance's door opens. Laurance trudges over to Garroth and I, plopping on the couch too. We continue to watch shows and movies until we hear a faint knock on the door. I try to get up, but Laurance is already at the door. 

"Hey, Lowell." Laurance smiles. 

He helps Lowell onto the couch. Lowell smiles at me, then glances back at the TV. I eventually get tired and lay my head on Laurance's shoulder. I feel an arm wrap around me, then I fall asleep almost immediately.

Garroth's POV

I hear small, cute snores coming from Aphmau so I look in her direction and see Laurance wrapping his arm around her. Her head is rested on his shoulder. It enrages me to see them like that... It should be me! Not him! Grah! I need some time to think about this... I get up and excuse myself, walking outside and taking a stroll around O'khasis. 

People greet me, but I ignore them and keep walking. I'm not in the mood for a conversation. I keep my thoughts to myself and keep walking until I eventually reach the castle. I climb up the long stairwell, then finally get to my room. I see my bed neatly made, with a small note propped on it.



The note reads. I smile at it, put the note on my nightstand then take my armor off, leaving me in a white v-neck and jeans. I slip into my bed and fall asleep, forgetting about the things that enraged me only minutes before.

Laurance's POV

It's kind of funny to see Garroth so mad. Of course, I feel bad about it, but the look on his face was priceless. His mouth was ajar with his eyes glued on us. He didn't know that I saw him, because he was mainly focused on Aphmau. He politely excused himself, but there was definite anger and jealousy laced in with his voice. It was hard to deny that he was jealous, it was pretty obvious. I think even Lowell noticed, and he's only known us for a few hours. Once Garroth closed the doors, he ruffled his fingers thru his hair and sighed with frustration, then stormed off. 

Lowell and I look at each other, "Does he like Aphmau?" Lowell asks. 

I shrugged softly, being careful for the sleeping Aphmau rested on my shoulder, "I don't know. Most likely, though. I mean... Who wouldn't?" I look at Aphmau, then back at Lowell. 

"Do you like her?" He empathizes the word 'you'. 

I gulp, then hesitantly open my mouth. Instead of saying anything, I just nod slightly with my mouth ajar, "Yes." I mumble. 

Aphmau stirs around in her sleep. Lowell chuckles, "She must be a really cool person. I know she is, and I've only just met her." Lowell compliments. 

"Thanks." I reply, 

"She is." I continued. 

Lowell smirks, "I'll leave you two be. I'll be in the motel if you need anything." Lowell stands up. 

"Are you sure?" I ask. 

He nods, then leaves. I carry Aphmau to her room, laying her on her bed. I pull the covers over Aphmau, kissing her forehead then leaving the room, "Wait, Laurance?" She starts, groggily as I'm about to turn the light off. 

I turn around, "Yes?" I ask.

"Did you mean it?" She questions. 

"Mean what?" I reply, nervously anxious for an answer. 

"That you.. Liked me?" She says. 

I gulp again, a lump forming in my throat, "Y-Yes." I state, then bolt out of the room. 

I run out of the house, running to a nearby lake that I saw on my way here. I sit at it's deck, throwing stones into the water and watching them skip through. 

"You told her, didn't you?" I hear a voice come up from behind me. I turn around and see Lowell standing there. I nod, "She heard our conversation. Or, some of it at least." I reply. 

He turns into a small pup, then cuddles up in my lap. I stroke his fur while using my other hand to skip stones like I was earlier. Lowell finally settles down and lays his head down on my leg. He closes his eyes, falling asleep. I sort through my thoughts, then get up, having Lowell in my arms. I carry him back to my house, laying him on the couch (It would be weird if he were either in mine or Aphmau's room and he woke up, turning into his human self. I mean, that would be creepy for anything, right?). 

He snores softly (Or softly for a pup), so I leave him be by going to my room. I decide to take a nap since everyone else is. I fall asleep, thinking about what will happen between Aphmau and I next time we see each other. Will it be awkward, or will it be one of the best moments of my life? Only time will tell... I guess.

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