Chapter 1

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Dream world:
A werecoyote zoomed by but before she knew it her paw was in a trap. She howled as a sign of distress. The pain bought her back to human. She laid there screaming in agonizing pain. Stiles felt helpless as she screamed out crying.

Real world:
"Malia..." Stiles said tossing and turning in his bed
"Malia... Hold on Scott is on his way." Stiles rambled on as tears started to fall in and out of his dream.

Dream world:
Malia looked at Stiles before getting shot with a silver arrow, "stiles..." Malia said before collapsing

Real world:
Stiles started to scream, "MALIA!" He cried out. Sherif Stilinski busted through his bedroom door as Stiles continued to scream, "No.No.No" Stiles' dad held him in his arms, "sh.. It's just a dream." He kept repeating to his son. After convincing Stiles tried to go back to sleep but couldn't close his eyes without seeing a dying a Malia. Before he knew it was time for school. He got ready and headed out the door. But before he could make over the threshold he was stopped by his dad. "Stiles I'm not so sure you should go today." The sheriff stated. "Dad I'm fine. It was just a dream." Stiles said reassuring his dad. "Ok. But if ANYTHING I mean ANYTHING!" The sheriff repeated... "Happens call me ASAP!" He said making sure it's imprinted in his brain. "Ok. I gotta go." Stiles ran out the front door and into the jeep. He drove to school. He turned on music loudly. He started to doze off and before he knew it he was in the other lane with a horn honking. He got up just as the 2 cars were about to meet. He was alert and awake by then. He pulled into the parking lot of BHHS. He got out of the jeep walking into the school. He saw Scott with Kira and Lydia talking to Allison, then there was Isaac doing what Isaac does best, flirting with Malia. He couldn't help but overhear the giggles coming out of her mouth as she leaned against the lockers while Isaac stood next to her balancing himself with his hand on the locker. Malia kept laughing as Isaac whispered in her ear. She glanced at Stiles who seemed caught off guard. Even though they broke up she still cared for Stiles and his well-being. "Hey you ok?" Isaac asked a spaced out Malia. "Uh. Yeah, just distracted." She said snapping back to reality. All of them eventually found their way back to each other. Scott looked over at Isaac who's hand was intertwined with Malia's hand. "It's been a month Isaac and you're already hitting on Malia." "Hey love doesn't wait." Isaac said trying to make it happy. Malia was stunned by the word love. It was too fast, to be perfectly honest she wasn't even over Stiles yet. But she kept reminding herself that he cheated on her with Lydia. They made their peace and went their separate ways. But I guess it wasn't that separate because no matter where they go they are always with each other. She looked at Stiles whose eyes were set on Isaac and Malia's hands. She pulled away knowing how it hurt Stiles to see her move on that quick. She looked down with her hands in front of her. "So I was thinking..." Lydia said but Malia was off guard.

Lydia was drunk at a party that she threw. She spotted a lonely Stiles drinking from a red solo cup. It was like a Lion stalking its prey. "Hey there stranger." Lydia said slurring her words. "Hey Lyds." Stiles said a little concerned. "Where's Mal?" She asked really not caring. "Uh..." He said trying to point Malia out in the crowd. "Right... There." He said pointing to Malia dancing with Kira. Lydia started to stumble as she was walking off. Stiles caught her before she could fall. "Hey you ok?" Stiles asked concerned. "I'm fine." She said trying to convince him. She tried to walk away but failed.
Stiles picked her up once again. "No, you're not." He said holding her up. "Let's take you upstairs." He said starting to walk her up the stairs. He opened the door to her room which was surprisingly empty. He laid her on the bed and tucked her in. She sat up, "you've always taken care of me." She said putting her hand on his shoulder. "I mean that's what friends do." He said. "Maybe I should return the favor." Lydia said before kissing Stiles. Meanwhile Malia was still dancing with Kira. "Where's stiles?" Kira said trying to shout over the music. "I don't know. I should look for him." She said leaving the dance floor. Stiles' eyes widen as she continued to kiss him. He should've stopped it but this was the moment he has been waiting for since 3rd grade. But Stiles remembered Malia and the love he has for her. He pulled away from Lydia, "th-this is not ok." Stiles said coming to his senses. "I have Malia and y-you never had feelings for me before." Stiles said. "Malia won't find out and how would you know that I never have feelings for you." Lydia said countering his argument. She kissed him again before they saw Malia looking at them with tears in her eyes. Lydia pulled away feeling ashamed as she saw Malia. Stiles opened his eyes and looked in the direction where Lydia was looking and saw Malia. Malia stormed down the stairs as Stiles followed her downstairs, "Malia! Wait!" She ignored him and continued to walk away. "Malia just let me explain." She didn't look back she just stopped with tears in her eyes. She could easily pull her arm away due to the fact that she is 10x more stronger than him but she wanted to hear what he had to say. "Malia it meant nothing. I just need to make sure nothing was there anymore." He said feeling horrible. "You know I have trouble trusting people and the person I did trust and God help me when I say this, the guy I loved does this to me." She said crying. "Wait you l-love me?" Stiles asked making sure he got it right. Malia spoke up and said, "Loved."

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