Chapter 32

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Everyone got in their cars on the hunt for Stefan.

Derek got in his Hummer and took Liam and Isaac with him to make room in that one car Scott had to drive.

"So how fast did you get to Beacon Hills?" Liam asked Derek sitting in the back once again.

"Well I was not far from Beacon Hills. I was actually still in Beacon County with Paige." Derek said following Scott's car.

"How is Paige?" Isaac asked not hearing or seeing her in a while.

"She's doing well. She decided to be an Orchestra teacher." Derek said talking about his high school sweetheart.

"Isn't that weird since she's a werewolf and all?" Liam said imagining a werewolf teaching.

"My English teacher was the Darach who sacrificed virgins and our History teacher is married to a 900 year old fox and has a kitsune for a daughter. I think a werewolf teacher is normal." Isaac said going over unusual teachers he has had.

"What's a Darach?" Liam asked curious as always.

"Just shut up." Derek said annoyed.

Liam listened and leaned back in his seat.
Stiles turned on the scanner in the car to see if anyone reported a fast demon biting their neck. It was pretty smart because the next thing they heard was, "We have a call about a 17 year old boy biting her in the neck." The dispatcher said knowing someone listening. "It's coming from Posey Blvd. and Blanchard St." She continued.

Scott followed the directions and drove to the location Stefan's last sighting.

"Isn't his the brother the one that smirks way to much trying to find him too?" Malia asked.

"I guess but if he isn't we have a whole pack of werewolves who are." Lydia responded.

"Hey what'd you guys do with Peter?" Kira asked.

"Let's just say that he won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Lydia said remebering Isaac stabbing Daggers in both his hands so it stuck to the wood.

"That is oddly disturbing." Stiles said.

Scott pulled up to a house that looks like it hasn't been occupied in years.

"What is up with these dudes an old stuff?" Stiles asked definitely creeped out by the theme the Salvatore brothers have.

"They are old maybe it makes them feel better." Scott said thinking out loud.

Derek pulled up next to them. Everyone got out of their cars and clumped together as a group.

"Anyone have a flashlight?" Kira asked looking at how dark it is.

Everyone pulled out their phones and shined a light.

Scott led them into the eerie bulding.

Malia was holding Stiles' hand. Scott was just a tad in front of Kira who he made sure was behind him if anything popped up. Everyone was shining the lights in direction hoping to spot a vampire. Isaac's light was the lucky one. He saw something zoom pass it.

"Guy's he's here." Isaac said very creeped out at how suspenseful the house was.

They kept hearing whooshes of Stefan vamp speeding in the house.

Finally someone jumped down infront of them. It was Stefan with blood all over his face.

"Well now that you're well fed do you wanna come back and I don't know not suck people's blood?" Stiles asked sarcastically.

"I-i don't what happened to me." Stefan stuttered not happy about what he did to those innocent people.

"You lost control." Scott said. "It happens even to the best of us." He said referring to times he wasn't the best at control.

"You don't understand. I never drink from the vein for multiple reasons." Stefan said starting freak out.

Lydia walked toward him knowing the risks. "Stefan you were locked in a room with no food. You needed to feed." Lydia said trying to make him feel better. "Scott can you guys wait outside?" Lydia asked.

"No way." Malia said being protective.

"He won't hurt me. I promise." Lydia said knowing Stefan well enough to know he wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone.

"I don't know about this Lyds." Scott said understanding Malia's thinking.

"If anything is wrong you know what I'll do." Lydia said referring to her Banshee abilities.

"O-ok." Scott said hesitantly.

"But we'll be right outside that door." Stiles said.

Lydia nodded.

They all walked out as Lydia wanted.

Now it was Stefan and Lydia in room with a flashlight shining.

"Why are you here alone?" Stefan asked afraid that he won't enough have self control.

"Because I know you won't hurt me." Lydia said.

"How do you know that?" Stefan asked fighting back the urges to feed more.

"You are not like any reckless Vampire, like your brother. But I only two vampires and right you're one of the best I know. You care, you have emotion." Lydia said listing reasons.

"Right now I'm just like every other vampire. A bloodsucker." Stefan said judging himself.

"No you're not. You know how I know? Because I'm a vulnerable human being with blood running through my veins and you haven't sucked my blood." Lydia said justifying Stefan.

"But I really want too." Stefan said closing his eyes in guilt.

"Hey look at me." Lydia said telling to open his eyes.

He listened to Lydia and looked into her eyes.

"Stefan you have control over what you want. But you know what I learned from Stiles and Malia? Control is overrated." Lydia said touching his hand.

Stefan showed his fangs and back her into a wall. He gave off the feel like he was going to be the exact opposite of what Lydia told him he was.

Just as he was about to sink his teeth into her neck she grabbed his face and kissed his lips.

The TCA's were on yesterday and Delley O'Hennig won parallel awards!!!!😍 Shelley won her first award!💞 But as you can see I added music to the book. Also Lydia and Stefan are my crackship otp. Soooo that's why that happened. I hope you like it!💕

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