Chapter 47

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"Ok so I get home and there she is just cleaning and cooking." Stiles said as he walked up the stairs.

"Yeah so what?" Scott said not knowing what the big deal was.

"So what?!? Of all the time you have known Malia have you ever seen her once cook or clean??" Stiles said trying to prove his point.

Scott started thinking, "Now that I think of it, no I haven't." Scott said now seeing things from Stiles' perspective.

"Im telling you man something wierd is going on. I just can't figure it out yet." Stiles said.
"So you just gonna leave me here to starve?" Malia said in a weak tone due to starvation and dehydration.

"As fun as that sounds, no because then that would just ruin everything." Theo said doing something else.

"What do you want with me?" Malia weakly spoke.

"I just want my revenge and your gonna help me get it." Theo smirked.

"What makes you think I'll help you?" Malia said.

"You'll see soon enough." Theo said before returning to what he was doing before.
The school bell rang and as usual everyone fled the scene. Stiles got home and saw Malia just relaxing on the couch watch 'One Tree Hill'.

"LUCAS YOU CHEATING SKANK!" She screamed at the TV.

"Hello to you too." Stiles said a little freaked out.

"Hey Mayo boy." Malia responded.

"Mayo boy? Why are you calling me mayo boy? Im very offended by that. Also you hate nicknames." Stiles said catching another new attribute about Malia.

"Stiles when are you gonna get that I have changed. I do things differently now and one of those things are calling you Mayo boy so get used to it." Malia ranted.

"Well if you need I'll be upstairs doing homework." Stiles said before dashing up the stairs. He waited till Malia resumed the show before closing the door. He sat at his desk before calling Lydia.

"What do you want Stiles?" Lydia asked obviously not pleased with the phone call.

"I may sound crazy when I say this but you have to belive me. I mean you just have too-"

"Stiles just spit it out already!" Lydia said impaciently.

"I don't think Malia is Malia anymore." Stiles blurted.

"What the hell do you mean? How can Malia NOT be Malia?" Lydia asked very confused.

"I don't know but it started last night. I came home and I see Malia cooking dinner. MALIA NEVER COOKS LET ALONE COOKS DINNER! Then I find out she cleaned the house. Have you ever known Malia as one to clean? And now she is calling me nicknames like Mayo boy and watching One Tree Hill." Stiles explained.

Lydia gasped.

Stiles held his breathe thinking Lydia actually believed him.

"That bitch! I tried to get her to watch OTH for the longest time and now she's watching it without me." Lydia said ignoring the bigger picture.

"Seriously that's what your stuck on?" Stiles said with an annoyed tone.

"That and the Mayo boy thing." Lydia chuckled. "I find it funny."

"Laugh all you want but I know Malia and this isn't her." Stiles said in a serious tone.

"Just give her a couple days maybe this is her way of dealing with killing someone. If she isn't back to normal by then maybe we can start to worry." Lydia said trying to lightening the heavy mood.

"Yeah whatever." Stiles hung up.

On the otherside of the door 'Malia' had her ear pressed against it as she heard every word of the conversation that just took place. She went downstairs to call Theo.

"It seems Stiles is smarter than we thought he was. He's catching on to us." She said expecting Theo to freak out.

"Perfect." Theo said giving a surprising response.

"You want him to catch us?" 'Malia'
asked with a very perplexed tone.

"How else is the pack supposed to get here so I can kill them."

'Malia' caught on and hung up the phone.
"I will not let you kill them." Malia said hearing the discussion.

Theo laughed, "Funny how you think you have a choice."

Malia tried with all the strength she had in her (wasn't much) to break free of the bonds.

"Don't waste your energy. Your gonna need it." Theo said with the smirk of the devil plastered on his face.

Oh my god! I finally updated after a bazillion years! I'm sorry I've just been busy with school and everything. I'll try to update weekly. But I hope you liked the chapter. Comment what you though about it. Also comment what you think Theo has planned for Malia and the pack😈

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