Chapter 44

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Lydia and Kira left Malia and Stiles out to be alone.

Malia's forehead was pressed against Stiles', "you should know that a guy danced with me." Malia said being completely honest.

"What? Who? I'll kill him. Ok maybe not me personally but I know werewolves that can kill him for me." Stiles said immediately getting defensive.

"He is just some guy and I was sitting alone at the table and he asked me to dance and I figured one dance wouldn't change anything and it didn't." Malia said explaining everything except the part where their lips almost touched.

"I'm sorry." Stiles said looking into her brown eyes. "I should've been here, you shouldn't have been alone." Stiles said feeling guilty for it all.

"I'm just happy you're here now." Malia said.

Stiles pulled her closely and kissed her gently. His cold hands were being warmed by her rosy cheeks.

Kira popped out of the door. "Hey guys um they are announcing prom King and Queen and I figured you would want to be there if Lydia wins."

Malia parted her lips from his and nodded. "We'll be right there." Malia tried to fix Stiles' tie before walking back in the gym with him but eventually gave up and had him fix it himself.

They made their way over to the table where all their friends were.

"Did we miss anything?" Malia asked before sitting down in her seat.

"Hi Cyclones! I'm Addison Forbes Student Council President." She had a certain peppy tone.

"I totally forgot we had one those." Isaac said about the STUCO (student council) President.

"So we tallied up the votes and this years Prom King and Queen is..." As usual they made every person wait in anticipation.

"I hope you win Lyds." Malia whispered to her.

Lydia just smirked.

"Malia Tate and Stiles Stilinski." Addison announced with such excitement in her voice.

Malia and Stiles looked at eachother totally surprised. They didn't even nominate themselves so how the hell did they up winning? Malia immediately knew who did this. Everyone was clapping.

Stiles took Malia's hand and they walked up to the stage together. They were crowned.

Stiles could feel anxiety creeping up and Malia could sense it

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Stiles could feel anxiety creeping up and Malia could sense it. She held onto his hand trying to keep him calm.

"Now for the King and Queen's first dance."

(Never Let Me Go by Florence+the machines)

Stiles led her onto the dance floor and began to slow dance with her.

Malia rested her head on his shoulder as the swayed to the music.
"You planned all of this?" Scott asked Lydia if this was all caused by her doing.

"It wasn't that hard really. Once you get into the Student Council room after school you can stuff the box as much as you want." Lydia said nonchalantly.

"You stuffed the ballot box?!" Kira said quite loudly.

"Tell the world why don't you." Lydia said trying to keep Kira quiet.

"Im sorry I just always thought that prom was your thing." Kira whispered.

"It was but I grew up and I'm not that girl anymore." Lydia said admiring how cute Malia and Stiles were.
"When I was younger my mom used to read me and my sister Cinderella. I used to live in my Cinderella costume. My mom had to pry me out of it if she wanted it. I used to believe that my Prince Charming would someday come and sweep me off my feet. After she died I stopped believing in fairytales. I lost all hope. Then I met you. Stiles in the last 2 years I've known you and loved you, you have given me more than I could possibly imagine. You gave me happiness, love, a home, a family, hope. You brought back something in me that I thought was long gone. And words can't explain how happy I am to have you in my life. No matter how much we fight or hate eachother I will never stop loving you. That is a feeling I know won't ever go away."

Stiles felt the room empty as if it was just him and Malia. Just the two of them dancing. He kissed her liked no one was watching and to him no one was watching. "Did you know I love you Malia Tate?" Stiles asked.

"Hmmm I had a feeling." Malia said laughing. She went back to resting her head on his shoulder. To her right she saw Nathan the guy she shared a previous dance with standing there watching her and Stiles dance. She turned her so she couldn't see him anymore. Thankfully the song ended and they weren't the center of attention anymore. They went back to their seats and saw everyone clapping again. "Lyds you sly devil." Malia said scrunching her nose pretending to be angry.

"Devils have ways and reasons." Lydia smirked.

"And what was your reasoning for this?" Stiles asked.

"You two have been through so much and most of that is due to me so I thought I'd give you to the titles you deserved." Lydia said.

"Lydia I can't take this." Malia said taking off her crown. "You have wanted this since you were 8. This is your dream and as your best friend I can't take things from you. So here." Malia put the crown on the person it really belonged to.

"Malia I stuffed the ballot box. If I really wanted this crown I would've been the one up on stage accepting it. People change, people grow." Lydia said taking it off and giving it back to Malia.

"Have I told you lately I love you?" Malia asked.

"Um in the last 24 hours, no you haven't." Lydia laughed.

Malia pulled Lydia into a hug. The pack just observed as friendship took it's form. Scott and Stiles decided to be copy cats and hugged too. After hugging Scott, Stiles turned and went to hug Stefan.

"I don't hug." Stefan said with a very straight face.

"What do you do?" Stiles asked.

"I bite." Stefan said before showing his fangs that scared the life out of Stiles.

Everyone started laughing at Stiles' reaction.
The night was slowly coming to an end.

"I'll be right back, I'm gotta go to the bathroom." Malia said to Stiles while they were dancing.

"Ok just remember these aren't the woods and there are correct bathrooms for the correct gender." Stiles said remembering when he walked into the boys bathroom in Eichen to see Malia showering. Even though it was an amazing view he preferred to not have that scene repeat.

Malia rolled her eyes and made her way to the restrooms. On her way someone pulled her aside swiftly. Malia's werewolf senses took over and she was prepared to rip someone's head off.

"Chill. It's me Nathan." He said removing his hands from her.

"You were so close to dying just to let you know." Malia said.

"What a great headline, I can see it already, 'High School Prom Queen Murders Innocent boy' doesn't it have such a 'Carrie' vibe to it." Nathan said being very figurative.

"What do you want?" Malia said getting really annoyed, really fast.

"I just wanted to send my congratulations and to tell you that Theo has a message for you."

At the sound of his name sent a chill down Malia's spine. That was a name she thought she would never have to hear again.

"I'm coming for you."

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