Chapter 39

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Everyone got home in one piece. Derek admitted Peter back in Eichen and this time he wasn't getting out. Derek still had that rental car. So he had to drive all the way back to the airport in Arizona with the car and had to drop of the rental and pick up his "baby" as he likes to call it. He drove back to Beacon Hills to say bye before he went back home to Paige. Everyone was at the loft that Derek kept when he visited. He slid the door open to see the pack in pairs. Stiles and Malia, Kira and Scott, Liam and Hayden (who of last week was officially apart of the pack), Lydia and Stefan (who is really debating whether or not to stay.) Isaac was the only person by himself but not for long. He planned on getting Allison back. He loved her and now that she is still alive he knows he can help her. Everyone's head turned to see Derek who for once had a smile on his face. He walked into his loft and started saying goodbye to everyone. He started with the Betas due to the fact that he didn't know them very well.

"Listen here Lahey don't do anything stupid." Derek said like a dad.

"I won't." Isaac said hugging him.

Then Derek went on to say goodbye to Lydia and thanked Stefan for helping.

"Listen you spaz don't hurt my cousin again." Derek said being protective.

Stiles turned his head to Malia and smiled, "I intend not to." Stiles said with his arm around her.

Malia blushed.

"And you." Derek said turning his head to Malia. "If he does you have my number." Derek said.

"I know. But I can handle him by myself. After all I am a Hale." Malia said for once not feeling weird saying her biological last name.

Derek smiled and hugged Malia then Stiles.

Now onto Scott. Even though this isn't the first time he left he never said a proper goodbye. Scott was holding Kira's hand. "Stay together. I have a feeling this will last." Derek said looking at the couple.

"Thanks Derek." Scott smiled.

"Just make sure not kill any of them." Derek said talking about the pack.

"I will." Scott chuckled.

Derek gave Kira a quick hug but he hugged Scott for about a minute. He broke the hug and gave Scott something.

Scott looked in his hand and saw a key.

"It's the key to the loft. I figured you guys could find more use out of it then I can." Derek said.

"Cool we could skip school and come here." Liam whispered to Hayden.

"I heard that." Scott said catching Liam.

Liam stayed silent.

"This will be where we hold pack meetings. Our safe place." Scott said.

"You're not gonna need me anymore. You're doing great." Derek smiled.

"I think in some sense we're always gonna need you." Scott said.

"Think of this as retirement." Derek chuckled. His phone buzzed it was Paige. "I should go. Paige is waiting." Derek said.

Everyone said their goodbyes before that loft door closed with Derek on the other side of it.

"I should be going too. My sister is going to flip if im late." Hayden said.

"I'll go with you." Liam said holding her hand.

"We'll take you guys home." Stiles said.

"Ok." Liam said.

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