Chapter 46

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"Come on Mal it's been weeks since you've been back to school." Stiles whined.

Malia just laid there looking into an empty white abyss of nothingness. She was not one to give up or let little things stop her but for some reason she just could not stop thinking about her hands killing someone. Killing another human being. Yes he tried to kill her and he hurt her but Malia has adapted to the life as a human. She lived by Scott's code and learned the difference between good and bad.

"Malia. Please just come with me. All you have to do is stand by me. Nothing will go wrong. You'll be safe." Stiles said trying to negotiate with her.

"Stiles I know i'll be safe but it's the thought of going back there makes me sick to my stomach. I mean I killed someone. That's not something that you can just forget." Malia responded.

"Mal you are not the only person to kill someone. And you're right you don't forget it. That night in the library runs trough my head all time. That pole impaling him. Blood everywhere." Stiles said going back to that dreaded moment. "It took me a long time to realize that I was defending myself. In that time I lost a lot. I didn't know what I had until I lost it. I remember what you said to me in the car. And what you did doesn't matter to me." Stiles said copying what Malia told him when he was going through the same thing with Donovan.

Malia got up and walked over to him, "I love you so much for that but I need time to process everything that happened. I can't walk around acting like everything is fine when it isn't. Can you understand that?" She asked while her hands where intertwined in the back of his neck.

He nodded, "I have to get going or I'm gonna be late." Stiles said. He kissed her forehead before grabbing his backpack and walking out the door.
"How is she?" Lydia asked Stiles.

"She's doing better." Stiles said grabbing textbooks out of his locker.

"I should go see her shouldn't I?" Lydia asked as if Stiles knew the answer.

"I think all she wants right now is to be alone." Stiles said shutting the locker door.

"She's been alone for weeks. How long before we start doing something?" Lydia asked.

"Lydia don't you think I've tried?" Stiles said getting irritated by all the questions. "She needs time ok so I'm giving it to her. You should too." He said before leaving Lydia alone in the halls.

Stiles walked by a bunch of people looking at him, an uncommon act at BHHS (Beacon Hills High School) considering the fact that he is Stiles. Then he heard people whispering to each other.

"Yeah I heard his girlfriend went crazy and now she's in Eichen." A dumb D-Average blonde jock said to his equally stupid friend.

"It wouldn't be the first time. I heard that she was in Eichen since she was 8 and that's where she met Biles or Stiles, whatever that kid's name is." His friend responded. 

"Still don't know how scrawny Stilinski scored a hot piece of ass like her." The jock said going on to emasculate Stiles and see Malia as an object instead of a person.

"Bro they're both crazy they deserve each other. But you do have a point about the ass thing" His idiotic friend said.

Their conversation was loud enough for Stiles to hear which pissed him off. He grabbed the blonde by his Letterman jacket and threw him against the locker. It took unbeknownst strength to do so. "You don't know anything!" Stiles yelled in his face grabbing the whole halls attention.

The jocks friend pulled Stiles off of him and went to punch him but couldn't do to Scott's hand around his wrist. "I wouldn't." Scott warned him.

They both ran off knowing Scott McCall wasn't one to mess with.

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