Chapter 45

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Malia wanted to run for the hills but he grabbed her tightly so she couldn't go anywhere. Nathan kept his hand over her mouth as he dragged her out of the back gym door without anyone noticing.

Malia felt so defenseless. She couldn't trigger her powers. Even though she has been a supernatural creature almost her whole life she was still new to the whole werewolf thing. There was a vast difference between a werecoyote and werewolf. There was new powers that she had no idea how to use.

He took her to an empty, dark classroom and tied her up. It seemed like he's been planning this down to the T.

Malia squirmed like a worm as she tried to get out of the barriers that binded her to her chair.

"I find amusing that you think you can escape." Nathan said rolling up his sleeves.

"My friends are gonna find me. You know that right." Malia said intimidating him.

"They might but by then you'll be dead." Nathan said with an evil grin. He grabbed Malia's face and forced his lips on hers. "I couldn't let you go without giving you something you wanted all night." He said smirking.

Malia spit in his face disgusted at the fact that he kissed her.

He wiped the saliva off his face and found himself fuming in anger. He slapped her across the face.

Malia was looking at the floor as her cheek was throbbing in pain. She didn't let that keep her down. She lifted her head. "Is that the best you got?" She said giving a sadistic laugh.
"Hey Lyds have you seen Mal?" Stiles asked getting worried because almost 10 minutes has passed and she still wasn't back.

"No I haven't. Where did she say she was going?" Lydia asked trying to see if she could help.

"The restroom but that was 10 minutes ago and she still isn't back." Stiles said getting very nervous, almost to the point where he couldn't breathe

"Stiles calm down because I am not going to kiss you again. She will be here." Lydia said patting his back.
Nathan put his hand into a fist and punched Malia in the same place he slapped her.

This time there was blood. But she still didn't give up. She spit out the blood and laughed realizing that it's pain. Pain triggers her werewolf side. She let him continue to punch her until finally she let on loud roar. It echoed to the halls and right back to the gym.
Scott and Isaac's head immediately turned when they knew one of their own was being harmed. They ran out and toward the room where the roar was coming from. Stiles saw them running and followed after them.
Malia broke free from the ropes and began to attack him viciously. Blood was everywhere as her sharp claws scratched his face repeatedly. She couldn't stop herself, she just kept going until she realized that he wasn't breathing. "Oh god. Oh god." She said turning back to herself and taking a step away to look at what she did. She heard footsteps approaching. Tears filled her eyes in guilt. She just killed someone. It brought back awful memories of the accident.

"Mal?" Stiles said snapping Malia out of her misery.

"I-i killed him." Malia said looking at Stiles with blood on her hands and guilt in her eyes.

"Malia you were defending yourself." Stiles said trying to justify things for Malia.

"I killed him." Those were the only 3 words she could say.

Kira and Lydia ran into the room and they brought along Allison. "What happened? Stefan said he could smell blood." Lydia asked. Then she saw the blood, the body and Malia.

Blood was all over her dress. They couldn't bring her back into the gym or else it would bring unwanted attention.

Malia kept saying three words that no one should ever have to say. Stiles kept trying to get her to calm down but the only thing on Malia's mind was the guilt.

"Didn't you kill in the woods? It was an instinct to survive wasn't it? So what makes it so different???" Isaac asked not getting why this was so huge for Malia.

"Those were animals Isaac. This a human being and you know what happened the last time she killed a human or should I say humans." Scott explained that Malia was probably just is having a mental breakdown.

"Malia look at me." Stiles said trying to get her to lift her head so he could look her in the eye.

Malia looked up and even though she was physically there, emotionally she was fading away.

"Remember what you said to me tonight? I gave you hope." Stiles said. "Well now you have to believe in that again ok. You need to believe everything will be fine." Stiles said.

"How? I killed someone Stiles. I never meant to. I never meant to hurt anyone. I didn't mean to." Malia said breaking down.

"Guys once again hate to break up this touching moment but we have a decaying corpse on the floor of the English Literature room and I'm pretty sure Mr. Linford would prefer not to enter a classroom full of blood." Isaac said being pretty sarcastic in a heavy moment but that's Isaac for you.

"Stiles I think we should call your dad." Scott said.

Stiles walked away from Malia and over to Scott and pulled him into a corner. "And tell him what? Hey dad my girlfriend killed someone who kidnapped her and attacked her could you come and pick up the body?" Stiles whispered.

"Well then how do you suggest we get the body out of a here?" Scott asked.

"We call the harbinger of death." Stiles said.

"But he has no supernatural relation I think." Scott said.

"Theo." Malia spoke up.

All heads turned to her.

"Theo. He said Theo was coming." Malia repeated the boys words.

"Well then he must have a supernatural connection if he knows Theo." Stiles said.

Lydia pulled out her phone and called Jordan. She told him to get here ASAP and they'll explain when he arrives.

Kira and Allison went into the bathroom and got as many paper towels as possible so they could clean up the blood.

Lydia let Jordan in through the back door. "So what's the emergency?" Parrish asked. Then they reached the room and he had the same reaction Lydia did when she saw everything. "I have to report this." Jordan said.

"No. Don't you think if we wanted that we would've done it already? We want you to take his body. You're the harbinger of death and he is dead so take him." Stiles said.

"I don't think that's how it works Stiles." Jordan said.

"Well make it work." Stiles said not caring if it did or didn't.

"Guy's im still not sure about this." Parrish said hesitantly.

"Jordan Please." Lydia said giving him the look she knew could make him break.

"Ok I'll do it or I'll try." He said caving. Parrish picked up the body and walked him back to his car and sooner than later brought him to Nemeton.
Stiles brought Malia home and Lydia decided to go with them to make sure Mal was ok. That was it for Prom it was done and it's behind them. Malia was still in her prom dress. "Stiles can you go make her some tea. I got this." Lydia said wanting to be alone with her best friend. Lydia unzipped the dress and slid it off her. She slipped her into comfortable shorts and one of Stiles shirts. This wasn't a disgusting thing for them it was friendship. When Lydia finished wiping the make up Malia's face Malia finally said something.

"How do people do this?" She asked.

"Do what?" Lydia asked having no clue what she was talking about.

"Go on in life knowing you killed someone." Malia said.

"Malia Tate listen to me. You are not gonna run off into the woods and run away from your mistakes. You are gonna stay here and lean on your friends and we are going to get through this together."

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