Chapter 41

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Scott decided to just skip school for the rest of the day. He spent it hanging out with Stiles.

"So what are you doing for prom?" Scott asked casually while watching Lacrosse.

"Oh my god! Prom! I totally forgot about it." Stiles said in total and utter shock.

"Bro it's in like a week. Did you ask Mal yet?" Scott asked.

"If I did do you think I would be freaking out right now?!" Stiles said panicking.

"Chill. You can ask her tonight, we have like at least 3 hours before school is done and then afterwards Lydia can stall her." Scott said forgetting that Lydia and Malia weren't on good terms.

"Ok great idea. Text Lydia and tell her to keep Malia until we're done and I'll start getting stuff together." Stiles said rushing to gather everything.

Scott pulled out his phone and texted Lydia, "Stiles is asking Mal to the Prom distract her after school until done."

Lydia's phone buzzed on her desk. She was currently take a test. But what if it was important? She decided to look but carefully so the teacher didn't see her. She saw the text, how the hell is she supposed to get someone who hates her to stay with her. But she was Lydia Martin, she can do the impossible.

"So how are you asking her?" Scott asked Stiles who was digging through a closet of junk.

"I was thinking of asking her where we first met." Stiles said finding what he needed.

"In the woods?" Scott asked in an odd tone.

"Yeah." Stiles said shoving everything back in the closet.

"That doesn't seem that romantic." Scott said.

"Trust me, when I'm finished with it you'll want to get married there." Stiles said talking a big game.

"Ok I'm gonna start setting up. I need you to go to the store and get a LOT of roses and a bouquet of Lilys." Stiles said giving orders.

"How am I supposed to get there genius?" Scott asked finding a flaw.

Stiles tossed him keys. It was the key to the sheriff car. "I'll call you when I'm done." Stiles said before hopping in his jeep and driving toward the woods.
School was about 5 minutes away from being finished. Lydia and Malia had Trigonometry together. Lydia tried to get Malia's attention but nothing worked. When Malia is ignoring someone she is really dedicated.

"Are you ever going to forgive her?" Isaac asked as he sat in the seat Stiles sat in.

"I don't know." Malia said not making eye contact.

"You forgave Stiles who is just as guilty as her. Mal she's your best friend you have to forgive someday." Isaac said sounding like a therapist.

Malia finally looked at Isaac, "Well easy for you to say your best friend didn't kiss your girlfriend," Malia said a little loud but not loud enough for the class to hear.

"Your right but my girlfriend did try killing us after she became a werewolf." Isaac said sarcastically.

"Point taken." Malia said realizing his problem was worse.

The bell rang and everyone ran out of the class like they were on fire. Malia seemed to be the last one out. When she got out the door she saw Lydia standing by her locker waiting for her just like this morning.

"Malia just hear me out." Lydia pleaded.

"Ok." Malia said even though she didn't want to.

"Give me the day to show you how much are friendship means to me." Lydia said hoping and praying she would say yes.

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