Chapter 37

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After hours of driving they were finally in Louisana. Peter parked somewhere that had random people roaming the streets ordinarily and a lot street preformers.

"Do you even know where you are going?" Malia asked following Peter or as she likes to refer to him, 'Satan in a V-Neck.'

"Yes I know where we are going so shut your trap and just walk." Peter said once again annoyed.
Stiles saw that the pin on Malia had stopped for a little bit which meant she was in one place. He could see that they were pretty close to it.

"I have to pee." Liam said in the back with his legs crossed.

"You should've peed at the last stop." Stiles said not caring.

"I didn't have to pee then." Liam said in urgency.

"Liam I swear to god if you take a piss in my Jeep I will kill you!" Stiles said turning to face him.

"I-i can hold it." Liam said a little scared of what Stiles might do.

"Turn right and it says she is over there." Scott said pointing to Peter's car.

Stiles followed his directions and parked in a space near Malia's location.

"I think she left her phone in the car." Liam said.

"Really Captain Obvious?" Stiles sarcastically.

"I'm just gonna find a bathroom." Liam said jumping out of the Jeep.

"Meet us back at the car." Scott said like he was Liam's dad.

They all were looking for Malia to see if she was close. Scott stayed by the car incase Malia came back to it.
"Issac lets face it we are lost. We have a better chance taking a train or a plane." Derek said giving up.

"Well where's the nearest airport?" Isaac asked.

"Have you ever been on a plane?" Derek asked.

"No that's why you're gonna join me." Isaac said with a cheeky smile.

"Um no I like the ground a lot." Derek said with a bit of fear in his voice.

"Wait is Derek Hale afraid of flying?!" Isaac said in shock.

"No I just don't like to leave the ground." Derek said denying it.

"Well prove it. Get on the plane with me." Isaac said challenging him.

"Fine!" Derek said not turning it down. He made a U turn and drove to the nearest airport.
Peter and Malia walked into a bar. There was a blonde bartender who looked way to smart to be doing that.

Peter sat down at the bar. Malia wasn't sure what to do mainly because she wasn't technically allowed to be in a bar. She was only 17.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked Peter.

"Scotch on the rocks." Peter said.

"What about you?" The lady asked Malia.

"I-i don't drink." Malia said.

"Ok then." The blonde said a little weirded out that someone is at a bar not to drink.

"Aw does Stiles not allow booze?" Peter said giving a fake frown.

"No I just prefer not to drink because last time I did I almost got set on fire." Malia said remembering that night.

"Whatever." Peter rolled his eyes.

The blonde came back out and this time with a guest.

"Peter Hale. What a joyous time to see you hear." A fairly tall british guy said.

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