Chapter 2

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"yoohoo... Earth to Malia." Allison said snapping her fingers in front of Malia's face.  

"Hm. What?" She said snapping back to reality.

 "Pizza and a movie?" Allison said telling her the plans Lydia said earlier.

"Uh yeah sounds great." Malia said just going with it.

"Ok, so it's settled pizza and a movie. Everyone meet at Lydia's house tonight." Allison said confirming the plan.

The bell rang and everyone went their separate ways. The day went by fast and unnoticed. But something was bothering Malia . She could smell the retched that was Stiles' anxiety. Something happened and she needed to know. Everyone followed the plan and met up at Lydia's. When Malia saw Stiles she pulled him into the kitchen, "What's wrong?" She said as bluntly as possible. "What do you mean?" Stiles asked not knowing. "Today it was like you swam in a pool of anxiety. What happened?" She asked again. "Nothing." Stiles said looking down. "Stiles you were my first real love I know when you're hiding something. Spill it." she said. "Ok." Stiles said giving in. "Something happened last night. A nightmare." He said starting to open up to her. "Was it about the nogitsune?" Malia asked getting a little worried which was a weird feeling for her. "No. It was about you." He said looking into her eyes. "Me? You had a nightmare about me." she said a little confused. "yeah it was the day we found you. You got you're foot stuck and you got..." He stopped. "Got what?!" Malia said can't standing the suspension. "You got shot and kill

Stalia||It's ProgressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora