Chapter 34

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Malia woke up to Isaac's arms wrapped around her. She's never been in this position before. Were they spooning? God was she the little spoon?! She quickly sat up which woke Isaac up.

He saw where Malia was and where his arm is now. He knew what happened. "Oh god, oh god." He said standing up from his bed.

"I know." Malia said looking at him.

"W-we didn't do anything you know bad." Isaac said trying to justify the fact that he was just spooning with Stiles' girlfriend.

"Yeah exactly. I love Stiles and I would never do anything to hurt him." Malia said.

Scott bursted into the room unexpectedly. "I see you guys are up. I'm gonna head out. Also just a heads up if you don't leave now you're gonna be late." Scott said before shutting the door.

"Crap!" Malia said in a rush. "I-i don't have any clothes to where. I should've though this through." Malia said putting on her flannel over Isaac's white T-Shirt and slipping back on her jeans.

"Yeah you should've." Isaac said turning his head to the wall again.

After Malia finished she borrowed a new spare toothbrush the McCall's kept in their bathroom for some odd reason. Isaac was getting ready and brushed his teeth right after Mal.

Malia brushed her hair out with her fingers. It oddly wasn't that tangled. It was her and Isaac against the clock. They finally got everything. Except Malia's backpack which was at Stiles' house.

"Dammit! We have to go to Stiles' house." Malia told Isaac.

"What, why?" Isaac asked in a rush.

"Because genius I don't have my backpack." Malia said.

"Who the hell cares? You're a senior. You don't need your backpack. Just wing it for the day." Isaac said not giving well advice.

"Ok. 1. I need my backpack in order to pass Senior year and 2. Where the hell is the car?" Malia asked practically yelling.

"Uhhhh." Isaac said as he looked for something to ride to school. "Here." He said giving her Melissa's bike that she never uses. He had Scott's old bike in his hands.

"We are gonna be late anyway so let's get my bag and we'll ask Sheriff Stilinski to drop us off." Malia said.
The bell rang and Scott and Stiles walked into class.

"Where is she?" Stiles asked worried.

"Uhh..." Scott said not knowing if he should tell him she stayed at his house.

"Scott I know she's not at her dad's because I went to pick her up for school and she wasn't there. And now she is missing school." Stiles said in a panic.

"She stayed at my house." Scott admitted.

"Wait. She stayed at your house?" Stiles said in disbelief. "Why? Why would she lie to me?" Stiles asked.

Scott shrugged as Mr. Yukimura started to talk.

"Does anyone know where Malia Tate and Isaac Lahey are?" Mr. Yukimura asked.

Stiles pieced it together. Isaac and Malia were missing. She changed her study partner, she stayed at Scott's house where Isaac lives, and now she's ditching school with him. Oh god. She is cheating on him with Isaac. He felt an anxiety attack coming. He couldn't breathe knowing the fact that she was with someone else.

Scott saw that and asked permission to take Stiles out of the class. Scott led him to a bathroom where he could catch his breathe. "Hey Stiles listen to me." Scott said trying to get through. "Just breathe." Scott said.

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