Chapter 30

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As soon as that last bell rang they were out the door. Scott called Lydia to know where she was. Just as she was about to answer it Damon vamp sped and picked it up for her.

"Hello Lydia's phone Damon speaking." He said with a chirpy voice.

"Where's Lydia?" Scott asked in a very serious tone.

"She's right here don't need to worry your pretty little face." Damon said in a relaxed.

"I want to talk to her." Scott requested.

Damon groaned and handed the phone to Lydia.

"Lydia?" Scott asking if it was her.

"Yeah. It's me." Lydia said letting him know she wasn't hurt.

"Thank god! Where are you?" He asked trying to locate them.

"At some old abandoned apartments on Bleeker Street." Lydia said giving him directions to her whereabouts.

"Ok we'll be right there." Scott said before hanging up.

"Ok so let me break this down. Stiles which is the spaz who was in love with since third grade. You don't love him that way. He finally figured it out and when he was possessed by an evil fox he hooked up with Malia the werecoyote now turned werewolf. Malia is your best friend and Peter's daughter and the process of this fiasco she managed to almost die?" Stefan asked trying to confirm the story he was just told.

"Basically." Lydia said.

"You know as a father I'd rather not know about my child's sex life." Peter said overhearing their whole conversation.

"No one said to listen!" Damon yelled back so he could here.

"Well it's hard not to when you're tied to chair of by wolfsbane infused ropes which by the way is starting hurt like a bitch." Peter said trying to get as comfortable as he could in this situation.

"Well this could've all be avoided if you told us where the moonstone was." Stefan said.

"Like I said I do-" Peter was interrupted by the entrance of Scott and his pack.

Damon and Stefan heard them entering and vamp sped there to greet them.

"Nice of you to join us." Damon said in his usual facial expression the smirk.

"We would've gotten here if the sheriff car that Stiles borrowed hadn't broke down." Isaac said.

"Well I'm sorry I don't see you driving." Stiles fired back.

"Well as much we would love to let this argument continue we have more important things to be doing." Stefan said breaking up the potential argument between Isaac and Stiles.

"Well this is one time I'm actually happy to see my father." Malia said grinning at the sight of Peter tied up and helpless.

"Nice to see you too honey." Peter said giving her a short but fake smile.

Lydia walked out to join the rest of the pack.

"So where is this thing Peter stole?" Scott asked.

"I didn't steal anything." Peter said clarifying things.

"Well if we knew that we wouldn't be here right now would we?" Damon asked sarcastically. "I swear to god. Didn't you guys just get out of school?" Damon asked annoyed at their idiocy.

"Well what is this thing he stole?" Scott asked rephrasing the question.

"Once again I stole nothing." Peter said believing they were actually listening to him.

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