Chapter 40

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After a good nights sleep Stiles woke up to Scott knocking at the door. He got up leaving Malia alone in the bed. He walked downstairs rubbing his eyes so he could see clearly. "Bro, its like 6 in the morning. What do you want?" Stiles asked Scott.

"You have a doctors appointment. And you wanted me to pick you up." Scott said remembering what Stiles told him.

"Yeah not at the crack of dawn." Stiles said going into the kitchen.

"Well I got here early because I figured Malia needed a ride to school." Scott said.

"Crap!" Stiles said. He ran upstairs to wake Malia up.

She refused to get out of bed. "Malia Tate you need to get up. School is essential if you want to graduate. It's apart of the vision Mal." Stiles said.

Malia turned to face Stiles. She was still laying down but at least she was up. "I'm still apart of the vision?" She asked.

"You will always be apart the vision." Stiles said caressing her soft cheek.

She smiled and bit her bottom lip. She kissed him softly yet tenderly.

Stiles was used to these morning kisses. They became a habit almost. He broke the kiss. "Nope. No more kissing until you get ready." He said teasing her.

"Two can play that game Stilinski." She said getting up. She undressed right in front of him. She was in her black laced bra and underwear.

Stiles could not stop looking. "Well you know who cares about getting ready? It's just school." He said wanting to go back to the kissing and possibly more.

"Nuh-uh." She said putting on clothes. She walked toward him and kissed him. But quickly pulled away and whispered in his ear, "game over." She gave an evil laugh and walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her hair.

"Oh you're evil." Stiles said before going back downstairs to Scott.

Scott made himself at home. He was eating a bowl of cereal and watching TV.

Stiles copied Scott. He sat in his dad's recliner and watch last nights Mets game. "Not that I care but where's Isaac?" Stiles asked.

"He went to see Allison." Scott said.

"Wow and you didn't go with him?" Stiles asked astonished.

"I think it's best if me and Allison don't see each other for a while." Scott said.

"Good idea." Stiles said before going back to watching the Mets.

"Are you going to the doctors like that?" Scott asked looking at stiles in pajama pants and a plain shirt.

"Scott it's the doctors not the fricking Queen of England." Stiles said not caring about his appearance. "Come on Syndergaard!" Stiles yelled at the pitcher on the screen.

Malia walked downstairs. "I see you let him watch baseball in the morning." Malia said directing it to Scott.

"Hey I missed the game last night." Scott said defending his actions.

"Did your dad leave already?" Malia asked.

"Yeah, needed to go over some cases." Stiles said.

Malia had an apple in her hands. "So are we going or what?" Malia asked.

"After this inning." Scott said wanting to see who wins.

"Are you kidding me? You woke me up so I can wait for you guys to finish a freaking baseball game!" Malia said not happy.

"No. I woke you up so you could go to school." Stiles said being a smart ass.

Malia rolled her eyes and just ate her apple while scrolling through her Instagram. Up until a couple months ago she didn't know how to operate social media. She was like a parent. But eventually Lydia taught her. She wasn't really talking to Lydia. She forgave Stiles but she couldn't bring herself to forgive Lydia yet. She was scrolling through her profile and saw pictures of mainly her and Lydia or Stiles.

"YEAH!!!! GO METS!!" Stiles said jumping in excitement that they won.

"Ok now we can go." Scott said.

Stiles put both his and Scott's bowls in the sink.

Malia sat in the back and Scott and Stiles in the front. Scott drove Malia to school. She saw Kira getting of her car. She made sure catch up with her. But before that she ran to give Stiles a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." Stiles said smiling.

Malia went running after Kira. Eventually she caught up. They walked into the halls together. Malia walked to her locker to see Lydia waiting by it. "I tried calling you, but you didn't answer." Lydia said.

"Yeah um sorry I was busy." Malia lied as she opened her locker to get her history books.

"Malia you have to forgive me." She said trying to talk to her face to face.

Malia closed her locker, "Lydia you kissed my boyfriend. That kind of stuff takes time to forgive."

"He was having a panick attack! What was I supposed to do? Let him die!" Lydia exclaimed.

"But this wasn't the first time Lydia. You kissed him before." Malia said remembering that night.

"Malia I was drunk, I wasn't thinking straight." Lydia explained.

"And why does my friendship matter to you anyway? Allison is alive I would assume she would return to being your best friend." Malia said.

"Allison is still my best friend but so are you." Lydia said trying to hang on to the both of them.

"Isn't she why I became your 'best friend' in the first place? You needed a replacement and I was it." Malia said starting to walk away.

"No you weren't a replacement. Mal you are my best friend and I need you to say that I am yours." Lydia said practically begging.

"If I said that I would be lying and I don't lie."

Malydia is an OTP to me and so to have them fighting is hard. So hopefully Malia comes around to forgiving her AGAIN. But what friendship do you guys like better Allydia or Malydia?? Let me know in the comments. Oh and before I go can I just say Malia is still apart of the vision.

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