Chapter 9

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Theo's eyes widen at the sight of the bruiting man. "I've heard of you. The former alpha and now full fledged wolf. You evolved." Theo said telling Derek the legend he had heard.

Derek chuckled, "do you believe everything that you're told?" He asked.

"Most." Theo responded with a shrug.

Derek gave a brilliant smile before turning into a black wolf.

"We had a deal!" Theo yelled with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Stiles take Malia and go! Now!" Scott ordered before turning into his werewolf self.

Derek started growling as Theo thought if that was the sound of hunger.

Stiles followed Scott's orders as he had his arm around her waist and her arm around his neck for support.

She was still a little out of it and in a lot of pain. She was still bleeding, the shot bought her back but it probably didn't heal her.

He saw blood on her hand that was pressed against her throat. "Mal are you healing?" Stiles asked worried.

"I-i think so." She stuttered.

He put her in the front seat of the jeep. Then he realized... Lydia. She was still down there. He heard a car pull up next to him. It was Allison and Kira. 'Thank god' Stiles thought.

"How is she?" Allison asked.

"She's breathing but still hurt. Where is Isaac?" Stiles replied.

"At Deaton's to help. We dropped him off while looking for you guys." Kira said.

"If I get her to Deaton's  maybe he can help her this time." Stiles said in a rush.

"Where is Scott and Lydia?" Kira asked.

"Down in the tunnels." Stiles said starting the jeep.

"We'll go get them. You go take Malia." Allison said grabbing her bow and arrow from the trunk of her car.

Stiles nodded and sped to Deaton's.

Kira unbuckled her belt. The duo walked down following the sounf of clawing and growling. They stopped at a corner seeing Lydia on the floor holding her side. Kira got a closer look and saw blood.

They ran to her side.

"Are you ok?" Allison asked.

"Yeah, it's just a scratch." Lydia said making sure she is stopping the blood.

Allison knew it was more than that. "Kira go help Scott." Allison said wrapping her belt around Lydia's side to apply pressure her hand couldn't.

Kira found the wolf (Derek), Scott and Theo fighting. She saw Derek was hurt. "Why isn't he dead?" Kira asked.

"He's a chimera!" Scott exclaimed clawing at Theo.

"Derek you're hurt. Heal. I'll help Scott." Kira said.

Derek growled knowing se was right. He turned to human form all scratched up. He held his ribs in pain.

Kira started fighting Theo occasionally scratching him with the sword. But he gripped it better than she did and now he had the sword and without a hint of hesitation he jabbed the sword right into her abdomen. She fell to her knees with the sword right in front of her.

"Kira!" Scott growled.

Allison heard him. "Scott..." She said. "Lydia I need to save Scott." She said picking her bow and arrow up.

"Go. I'll be fine."  Lydia said weakly.

Allison thought about weather. She is making the right choice. But she followed the sound anyway leading her to Kira on the floor, Scott attacking Theo and her in shock. Theo slipped away and before anyone knew it he was behind Allison with his claws to her throat. Deja vu much?

He remembered earlier Malia being in the same position.

"Now for the moment of truth. So who's it gonna be Scott? Your current love or your first love?"

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