Chapter 48

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The next morning Stiles got in his jeep ready to journey to school. Suddenly the jeep door opened and 'Malia' got in. She was dressed quite promiscuously she had short shorts on, a crop top and heels which is something that the old Malia would never wear. Stiles didn't know whether to be aroused or concerned.

"Are you gonna drive us to school or not?" Malia asked.

"I didn't know you were ready to come back. Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles asked totally ignoring her question.

"I wanted to surprise you." She said with a smile across her face.

"The clothes you have on is very- um Its very- i dont know how to say it." He was at a lost for words.

"Stiles, its just clothes." Malia said.

Stiles took of his jacket he had on. "Here just use this." He said giving it to her.

"Jealous much?" Malia smirked.

"Yes very. My girlfriend is hot and i would like her to stay my girlfriend." Stiles openly said.

Malia rolled her eyes chuckling at the same time. She put the jacket on her. "Now drive."

Stiles followed her orders and took them to school. They got out of the jeep and all eyes were on Malia like expected. Guys were catcalling at her and she actually liked it.

Lydia saw them and walked up to them. "Malia. What are you wearing?" She asked really shocked.

"You always said i needed a change in style." Malia smiled.

"Actually I've never said that." Lydia said.

"Well whatever I like this new me. It makes me way more hotter." Malia bluntly said before strutting into the school.

That left Lydia and Stiles there with their mouth opens due to the shock.

"So you know how you told me that you don't think Malia is Malia." Lydia said recalling the conversation they had.

"Yeah." Stiles said remembering very clearly.

"I believe you. This is not my best friend, one she would never wear heels and two she is not this self absorbed." Lydia said explaining her reasoning.

"Ok so if this is not Malia where is she?" Stiles asked the million dollar question.


Malia hopelessly kept trying to break free from her restraints.

"I told you to stop trying its no use." Theo said hearing her struggling.

"Why are you so hell bent on trying to kill us?" Malia asked.

"You don't know what it's like do you? Ever since elementary school it's been Scott and Stiles best friends forever!" he said sarcastically. "But Scott was my best friend first. We were inseparable until Stiles came along. He took Scott away from me. I was an outcast from then on. Imagine having your best friend ripped away from you and leaving you with nothing." Theo said getting really deep.

In a very serious moment Malia bursted out in laughter. "Are you serious right now? This is why you want to kill us? because of a childhood vendetta." Malia said finding it super pathetic.

"That and I'm a psychopath." Stiles smiled before turning around and stabbing a needle full of wolfsbane in her leg.

It caused Malia to pass put almost immediately.


Once again the day passed by in the blink of an eye. Stiles called an emergency pack meeting without Malia which was pretty easy to do.

"Stiles why are we here?" Scott asked in the loft that was once Derek's.

"We are here because we need to find Malia."

"What do you mean she was at school today." Liam said not getting it

"But that's not Malia." Stiles said.

"oh no. Not this again. Stiles I thought we talked about this already." Scott spoke up.

"He isn't lying." Lydia interrupted. "This person is not Malia. She is far from. They may look identical but think about it. Have you ever seen Malia clean or cook? How about her outfit today? And her attitude. Also she has never missed a pack meeting before." Lydia said listing all the reasons.

"Yeah maybe she had an attitude adjustment so what?" Scott asked refusing to cave into this ridiculous theory.

"The more time we spend debating this is less time we have to find Malia. Scott believe me she is the love of my life, my mate, and even my anchor. I know in my heart this isn't her." Stiles said giving a convincing argument.

"Ok I believe you. But why Malia? What is so special about her?" Scott asked.

"Do you think it could be Peter related?" Lydia suggested.

Stiles shook his head, "No he is locked away in Eichen. It can't be him."

"Ok who else would wanna take Malia?" Lydia repeated the same question

"Who ever it is we will find them and we will get Malia back. No matter what it takes." Stiles said dead serious.


WOW! LOOK WHO UPDATED!!! It's been forever you guys and I am so so sorry. You guys deserve better and I will try to give it to you. I know I said this last update but I will update once a week. It is my goal. ALSO MERRY CHRISTMAS or HAPPY HANNAKUH or MERRY KWANZA! I love you guys and I hope you have an amazing day!

--XOXO, Kana

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