Chapter 29

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The bell rang and everyone got up to go to lunch.

"So I've been doing some research on what Liam and Isaac described and I think I know what those thing are." Stiles said trying to keep up the pace of Scott.

"Well what are they?" Malia asked wanting to know.

"They're vampires." Stiles said.

"Vampires, really?" Lydia said in disbelief.

"There are such things as werewolves, werecoyotes, banshees, kitsunes and a lot more supernatural creatures. So vampires could very well be real." Stiles said.

"He's right." Scott said agreeing with Stiles. "But what do vampires want with Peter?" Scott asked the million dollar question.
Damon had Peter wrapped up in wolfsbane.

"So you ready to speak yet?" Stefan asked in a daunting voice.

"You know last time I saw you two you were fighting over a girl. What's her name? Elena was it." Peter said avoiding the question.

Damon put down his bourbon and walked over to Peter.

"Stefan I know we agreed not to kill this bastard but right now im really tempted to." Damon said resisting the urge to kill Peter.

"Woah easy there grandpa." Peter said making fun of his age. "Remember one bite from me and you're in deep trouble." Peter said smiling with his fangs.

"Peter I want back what Talia stole from me." Stefan said vamp speeding over to punch him.

Peter lifted his head from that devastating blow. He spit out the blood that filled his mouth.

"What Talia did on her own time is her business. I have no idea what you are talking about." Peter said lying.

"You know a little wolfie told me that you have a daughter." Damon said with a devilish smirk.

"I don't give a damn about her." Peter said not phased by anything he said.

"What was her name Damon?" Stefan asked pretending not to know.

"It was Malia I think." Damon said to Stefan.

"You see if it was easy for us to find you. Then imagine how easy it would be for us to find her." Stefan said.

"Like I said before, I don't care about her." Peter said sitting back in his chair.

Damon and Stefan looked at eachother. Stefan nodded at Damon. Damon picked up a silver knife stabbing it near Peter's heart.
"So can they can't walk in the daylight?" Isaac asked about vampires.

"Well it says here that if a witch makes them something that allows them to walk in daylight they could." Stiles said answering Isaac's question.

"Great so now we have to be on watch for these guys 24/7. Assuming they have one of those daylight thingies." Isaac said.

"Do they hate garlic?" Liam asked curiously.

"Actually I myself love Garlic." Damon said sitting on the table filled with supernatural teenagers.

"Me too. I find it very tasty." Stefan said on the otherside of the table.

"Who are you?" Scott asked a little creeped out that they just popped up so fast.

"Hey I remember you." Damon said pointing at Isaac before eating Stiles' apple.

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