Chapter 10

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Scott had no idea what he was going to do. Every time he got close to Kira Theo's claws sank into her neck further. When he got close to Allison he could see Kira bleeding more. His mind was losing it.

Allison tried to stay brave but Scott could see the tears forming in her eyes. "Sc-Scott save Kira..." She said trying to convince him.

"No, you're not going to die. Both of you aren't. I will save both of you!" He exclaimed trying to be optimistic.

But Allison knew it was one way. "Scott j-just tell my dad I love him."

"Stop talking like that! It will be fine!" Scott said trying to stay positive but that was pretty hard under the circumstances.

"Are you so sure Scott? Cause Kira over there doesn't look to hot." Theo said looking a pale Kira.

Scott turned his head and saw Kira losing a lot more blood than she was the last time he saw her. "Sc-Scott." She said coughing up blood. "Please." She said started to close her eyes.

"No. No. No. Kira stay up!" Scott cried turning her head to look at Allison.

Allison gave him a reassuring nod, "It's ok." She said crying.

Scott felt sick to his stomach doing this but he knew it was one way or another. He feel to his knees pulling the sword out of her abdomen. He held her wound to keep pressure and putting her head onto his lap.

She continued to cough up blood like crazy. She was dozing off time to time but Scott kept her up.

Allison knew if they stayed down here a second more she would die, "SCOTT GO NOW!" She yelled fearing the thought of her losing her life.

"Allison..." He said crying.

"G-go..." She said in her final breathe as Theo sliced her throat deeply open.

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