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Requested by: DeadMarvel2
OC: Frances Washington

The city of New York was never at rest, there was always some sort of activity in the streets, whether it'd be chatter or the sound of horses neighing, the energy was alive at all times.

Among the bustling streets and shops, there was one person who was intrigued with a book, thankful to be out in the sunshine and excitement.

Her hair waved in the breeze, long strands of golden. People pushed past her as she walked along, attempting to both read and move through the city. The pages kept flipping at her fingertips, every word and line making her want more.

However, she didn't look up soon enough, for her footing slipped and went tumbling. To her luck, there was a pile of crates filled with apples to her left. She thought quick enough to grab it and save herself from further embarrassment.

Avoiding anyone's eyes, she dusted off her rather elegant but simple dress. She picked up her book, and heard someone clear their throat. She hesitated to stand up all the way, but she gave in and stood, holding the book to her chest.

When she saw who it was, she let out a gasp and smiled. "Alexander!" The young man in front of her smiled back, nodding his head towards her. "Frances, what's a girl like yourself doing here?"

Frances chuckled. "I couldn't stand staying in a house all day long. I just had to get out and see the world around me." Tilting her head, she said, "And what are you doing out here?"

Alexander shrugged, straightening his brown jacket. "I was talking to Aaron Burr, a few blocks up. He didn't seem at all interested in what I was saying, but he's just like that I guess."

He let out a long sigh, before adjusting his ponytail. Frances could sense there was something else he wanted to say, which was almost always the case with Alexander.

As if reading her mind, he said brightly, "Would you like to join me on my next stop uptown?"

Her eyes lit up at this. Alexander knew she liked adventures and just being able to get out of routine once in a while. She was definitely not the type of girl who waited for things, that's why she connected so easily with Alexander.

"Where would we be going?"

Leaning in closer to her, Alexander placed his hand in hers, eyes briefly looking at the cover of the book she held. "Your father's place."

Frances raised an eyebrow, and her friend realized his mistake. "Ah, I mean, your step father."

She gave him a look and he chuckled, "Look, he asked me to stop by and discuss some things about-" Frances eagerly leaned closer to him, with a hint of energy in her voice. "What kind of things?"

It took a moment for Alexander to reply, but when he did, he just said, "Things that you aren't allowed to know." A little taken aback, she murmured, "Well, what can't I know? I'm the General's daughter after all!"

They began to walk along the cobblestone streets, making sure to not run into any passerby. "He doesn't want you to be thinking about the revolution, you know that, Frances. I mean after all you've been through..." Stopping mid sentence, Alexander made eye contact, an unsettling type, with a red coat. Frances didn't notice her friend stiffen and have a change in tone as they passed the smartly dressed man.

"You just have to do chores and things around the house, like any other woman." At that, Frances almost stopped him. "Wait, are you saying that women can't help in this revolution?"

Alexander pulled the protesting woman along with him. "I didn't mean that. I just meant that it's what you're expected to do. Frances, you know that I personally don't question your authority as-"

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