Their Moment

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Requested by: lostboys_

There was once an wise saying about how a person's wedding day was the day they wouldn't ever forget. Alexander wasn't the type of man to believe in tales such as that, but as he found himself standing beside the altar, he started to think it was true.

Chimes rang and a symphony of instruments began playing as the procession began down the aisle towards him. Alexander straightened his back, watching every face wander up just as he had. His palms were sweating more by the second. One wrong move and it could all go to waste.

But then he sharply reminded himself not to worry about the little details. He was getting married. If only his mother was alive to see him then. She would have been so proud to see her boy all done up in his very best.

Alexander peered down the aisle. He laid eyes on his bride's sister, Eliza. She noticed him watching her, so she raised her eyebrows and winked in his direction. At her flirtatious action, he couldn't help but hide a blush.

Don't forget who you're marrying, his mind pestered. Just as the thought crossed, he heard the whispers rise among the guests. His beautiful bride was walking towards him. With a smile on her lips, dress trailing behind her, she looked like the most beautiful creature.

Angelica, his heart swooned. He watched anxiously as her father let go of her arm, slowly kissing her cheek. Her cheeks flushed red at the touch, but her smile only grew. Alexander's heart pounded quicker when she faced him.

A spark of energy was exchanged between them with just a glance. Angelica positioned herself up on the platform beside her fiancé.

The priest called for silence. He began speaking of all the little things to come in their marriage, how they would love one another for as long as possible, and that great things were in the future. Alexander grinned at the thought of these great things. They could start a life away from the madness of the war, with a few children, and just the right amount of love.

Angelica's mind also seemed to be working as the priest spoke. Her eyes glinted with a sense of passion for the man standing before her. In all her years of living, she never felt more pleased. She had finally found someone who understood and loved her. There was so much more to come, which only made her more anxious for their future.

"Do you take this man to be your husband?"

Reality. Angelica snapped out of her daze, blinking several times. Alexander, the priest, and all her relatives were watching and waiting for an answer. She cleared her throat and murmured, "I do."

Alexander let out a long breath of air. He only had to say the exact same thing, with the similar look of longing lust in his eyes. The question came and he replied, "I do."

The tense feeling that had been hanging over the room and it's people seemed to fade away slowly. As the priest began finishing up his well wishes, the almost wed couple linked hands. It caused them both to step even closer to one another.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest murmured to the two of them. The crowd of relatives and friends all leaned forward on their feet intently. A hushed silence hovered them, just waiting to be burst.

Alexander wrapped an arm around her back, feeling his heartbeat increasing. She looked up at him with a questioning look as if to say what are you waiting for? He leaned forward on his feet, swooping her down in his arms, and placing a gentle kiss on her awaiting lips.

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