For Good

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Requested by: -theodosiaburr

Theodosia, from a young age, had been taught that people come into lives for a particular reason. Whether they left empty handed, or with the marks of that special someone still on their heart, it all had been for good.

She didn't know if she believed such a thing about fates intertwining. Her father had insisted upon it for most of her childhood. It only grew stronger the months after her mother died. "Theodosia, please. You're going to meet someone who's going to change your life. That's what your mother was to me."

And then the haunting echo of his cry, "Why don't you believe me?"

Maybe she had been too quick in erasing it from her mind. It wasn't until she met a very special person that it became clear just how true one silly little thing passed down could be.

Philip came into her life at the right time for the both of them. Their fathers began to get tangled in politic issues, battling one another every second they crossed paths. But as Theodosia hid behind her father's legs, as he taunted the boy's father, all she could see was those mesmerizing eyes staring back at her.

"Would you like a flower, Theo?" The teenage boy had stuck out the daisy towards her after one of the unexpected meetings in the street.

His father gripped the boy's arm, trying to make him step back and rethink that decision, as well as Theodosia's father had. They were so desperate to keep their children separated, yet so intrigued by their behavior to one another.

"Yes, thank you," she had replied, curtsying and taking the flower from his hand. That daisy was the most beautiful thing she'd seen and it made her heart swell excitedly.

Blushing, all she could say was, "You're very kind." Their fathers looked horrified, back and forth between the children a relationship was only blossoming brighter. Anything between their children would be not allowed.

But with stolen kisses in the dark, and meaningful letters, the two friends slowly turned into something that would be said with a blush. Everything was fitting into placed for once in their lives.

Theodosia remarked one afternoon, "Philip, do you want to know something? I'm shy to say this, but-" His head of curls poked out from behind her father's bookshelf. Holding back at a giggle at his childlike gestures, she finally gained the courage to speak up.

"My father used to tell me something that never struck me as truthful. I took it as some saying that had a purpose to only brighten my day, but now I'm realizing it was more than that." Theodosia played with a ribbon on her dress, almost afraid to look at him.

Philip stepped over a stack of books, to lift up her chin just enough to see her face. "Tell me."

"He said that people come into our lives for a reason. These are folk who help us to learn and grow, and we are to help them in return. I couldn't believe it at first, but looking at you, being with you, I do."

Hands reaching up and touching his cheeks, Theodosia deeply sighed. "But there's one thing I'm fairly certain of. If you hadn't come into my life, I wouldn't be the person I am today." She traced a finger along his cheekbone.

Philip placed his hands on her waist, a loving gesture it took him many times to do. He had been shaky the first times, feeling like it was invading her space. But after one or two times, Theodosia gave him an amused look, and he learned to have the confidence.

"I might only have the time to say this once, Theo, as we don't know what tomorrow will bring," the nineteen year old murmured, tickling under her chin. Theodosia giggled at the touch. He knew her too well.

"Wherever we go, if I continue on to be a lawyer, or you travel somewhere, you'll always be with me. Think of it as something like a handprint on my heart." To make himself clear, he took her hand and put it on his chest, right where the beating of his heart was.

"You've taught me so much, and I wouldn't be here without you. Remember all the times we consoled each other about family things? Or where we just stared up at the stars to calm ourselves down? I couldn't have survived all these year without you." Philip took her hand again, this time kissing it.

Theodosia blushed. It felt familiar, similar to one of their first interactions. "You flatter me," she finally said to him. His lips turned into a smile, and all she wanted to do was kiss them.

"No, you flatter me," he teased right back. His dimples grew into an even more widespread smile and she fell even deeper for him.

Looking back, eleven year old her would have never seen such a friendship coming. She had refused to believe what her father told her, because nothing seemed to be true at that time.

Philip had been a miracle. A light in her life that hadn't gone out since the moment he gave her that flower. Since he looked at her with that curious smile. And since he gave her a timid kiss as a young boy.

Their childhood had let to adulthood, which had led to even more. Kisses, knowing glances, and mostly being able to read each other like a book. Crying on each other's shoulders, and exchanging outrageous stories, all of those things had brought them closer together.

He had come into her life for a reason.

Theodosia suddenly laid her head in the crook of his neck, sighing. She inhaled a breath of his scent. It only made her more convinced of how much she truly loved and cared for that boy.

"I love you," she finally murmured against the skin of his neck. After placing a kiss there, she closed her eyes. The words seemed cliche, but genuine, and he knew it.

And he knew it deep down in the depths of his hearts because Theodosia had been the one to change him for good.

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A/N: Thank you -theodosiaburr for the request! Always love writing more Philidosia, so hope you enjoyed this. For those who didn't figure out, this is based off the song For Good from Wicked. This song could be used in so many scenarios and relationships, but honestly, it says Philidosia to me.

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