Save Me

804 39 9

Requested by: loukim0107


Maria was awoken, by a sudden nightmare. Or maybe it wasn't a nightmare, but indeed her reality. The instance she sat upright, a frigid burst of air hit her skin. She shivered, grabbing the covers before her.

A groan escaped her mouth when she felt her own skin brush against her hands. She was completely bare, stripped of her clothes. The blankets covered up her exposed body, as she tried to get comfortable again.

Her eyes fell upon a figure beside her. At first her heart lurched inside her. But then she recognized the familiar hair and body, trying to make her heart fall into a normal pace again.

He shifted, moving a little closer in her direction. Maria backed away, as if hit by a whip at the movement. She remembered where she was, who she was with, all of it.

Every single detail of the night before flooded into her mind. She scolded her for being so foolish and falling into such a trap again.

A shudder left her lips. Maria grabbed the blanket, dragging it up to her chest. Hands visibly shaking, she kept a firm gaze on the man lying beside her. His chest rose and fell gently with each breath he took.

His wife should be sleeping here. She flipped her head back and forth, glancing at the loving pictures displayed of his devoted wife. All she had wanted was to help him, not replace the woman in his life. It would be another week before she returned from the apparent family trip to her father. By then it would be too late.

Tears trailed down her cheeks as she rose from the bed. The springs squeaked, her partner moving his hand to the spot where she was seconds before. Maria inhaled, but let her air freely go when he didn't wake.

Beams of moonlight snuck their ways into the room. As she put on a loose shirt that had been thrown on the floor, the light illuminated her body. She shrunk away from the window and into the shadows. It only took her a few seconds to get a pair of stockings on, before dashing out the door.

Maria had only been in his house for a few times. Every night she found herself stumbling up the same corridor she was running down, she warned herself of the future. What are you doing? She felt weak, just reminding herself.

Trembling as she walked down the staircase, she let her fingertips brush the wood railing. A single floorboard creaked underneath her bare feet. She winced, glancing back up the stairwell behind her. There was no sound of movement in the distance.

Relieved, she reached the ground floor. The house was silent, with its inhabitants gone on their trip. Even though it was empty, the place still felt rather intimidating to her.

She rushed over the main entrance, praying there was a way out. Her heart throbbed when the door knob didn't turn. No. She pounded against the wooden surface, panicking. No.

At that point, she didn't have a care in the world if her partner upstairs had waken. All she wanted to do was leave and be free. She shouldn't have come into his home, gave him the love he begged for, and ruined their lives.

"Please," she hissed under her breath. The door wouldn't budge. Maria desperately tugged at the handle, using all her strength. After trying for what felt like too long, her petite figure collapsed to the ground besides the door.

Maria covered her face, pleading to the lord above to show her a way out. She knew she had been foolish and didn't want to spend another second in this man's home. Instead, she wanted to go to her home, where she could feel safe again.

"What are you doing?"

No. She lifted her head, only to see a blur of black and white. A scream escaped her mouth, only for a hand to clamp over it. Two arms gripped her waist, pulling her up. Maria protested, wailing into the firm hand.

There was a series of grunts from behind her, as the man tried to restrain her from leaving his affirmative grip. He was too strong for the weak maiden. When she had given up with fighting, her body felt limp against his.

For a while, she stayed pressed to the figure behind her. Her hands were shaking, trembling at his touch. Let go of me, her mind begged.

Just as the man began to speak, Maria lunged forward, almost breaking away from him. But he caught onto her act. The arms only forced her backwards again, this time digging into her skin. One hand reached around her stomach to grab her waist, while the other clasped her breast.

The breath was knocked out of her. Maria stumbled into his embrace, completely defeated. Her lips moved but she couldn't bring herself to say the words.

"Don't ever try that again. Hear me?" At his tone, she nodded her head up and down. He only clutched her body tighter. A whimper barely left her lips.

And then the pressure was gone. His hands detached themselves, only finding their way to her hands. The gesture had drastically changed from abusive to gentle.

Maria knelt down, gulping in the air she had lost. Her partner turned back to her, grabbing her by the waist. No. "Wait, I-"

Her command was silenced by his own. Their lips connected. While he pulled her closer, she only felt herself backing away. But his hand firmly pushed her forward, forcing her to pucker up even more.

The second he pulled back, she gave him a look of disgrace. "Alexander," she whispered. He raised his head to look at her. An innocent look covered her face, a look that made her seem weak and helpless.

"Hush," he replied. Although he couldn't see it, Maria's expression shattered. Why? As she followed him up he stairwell, back to the place she wished to be far away from, her heart began pounding at an alarming rate.

She had been that close to escaping him. If the door had been unlocked, she would have been halfway downtown at this point. She could have run as far from the city as possible.

But she wasn't anywhere close to being a runaway. Her body was beside a man of honor, a man who was throwing his life away, just for pleasure. Maria didn't know how she had managed to get herself into his bed, under his covers, into his life.

Resting on her back, her eyes gazed up at the ceiling. Little cracks had indented the paint, making a pattern. Maybe those cracks would grow into something more, crashing down on her. That's all she wanted in that moment. To be erased and far away from him.

Someone save me, she pleaded silently to anyone in heaven who might read her thoughts. It was useless, but she kept repeating the phrase over and over. She knew no one would come, they had no idea what happened behind closed doors at night.

But something hit her. There was no coming to save her. No one loved her enough to answer her prayers. She had been the one to get herself into the mess, it was her duty to find a way out.

So she wept herself to sleep. The morning would bring more reminders of how unloved she was, how much of a failure she was becoming. And the process would repeat itself, the similar night full of lust and anger for what would be several weeks.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
A/N: Thank you loukim0107 for the request! I really liked writing another of these, because writing Maria's emotion (and the fact that's she not a whore) into it is great. Oh, by the way, I survived my history final, just thought I'd let you guys know, yeah.

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