Late Night (3)

270 15 4

Requested by: leopardthetitan & ElizabethSchuyler54

Angelica should have known waking up in the early hours of the day, without her husband by her side, that there would be suspicious activity occurring. She had a gut wrenching feeling when there came a knock at the door, but of course didn't think much of it.

To her utter surprise, she cracked open the door to the one face she never wanted to see again. Alexander, with his pitiful smirk, had pressed himself up against the side of her house to conceal himself from the passerby. More specifically, he didn't wish to be spotted by her father lurking upstairs.

"You have no right to wander here aimlessly at night and demand my presence, you-" The ceiling creaked above. Angelica rapped her fingers against the frame and narrowed her eyes at him. "Tell me what you want, or return to your wife immediately."

He could sense her impatient attitude. "I won't be a bother, but allow me to enter and I'll-" It crossed his mind that maybe it hadn't been the most intelligent decision to say that, but he suddenly felt the door open enough to hit his arm. Angelica gave him a look and jerked her head into the house, and he followed quietly.

The door slammed shut, leaving them in complete darkness, and both adults shifted around until one of them cleared their throat. "What brings you here at such an hour?" She held onto the last word, and it turned into a venomous hiss. Alexander chuckled, but then felt a hand smack against his cheek.

"What in the-" He received another smack, and let her grab him forcefully. Alexander found himself backed up against the wall, hand pressed tight to his mouth, and the breath of his sister in law rubbing against his cheek.

"Ang-" She gripped his mouth hard enough that he pictured her tearing his lips off. The woman had no strength, and there wasn't any questioning that. But there was her behavior to question and why she was being so rash.

"I will grant you one chance to not wake anyone in this house and to tell me your reason of coming all this way." Her voice echoed off the walls, despite her best efforts to remain unheard in the mansion.

Alexander nodded harshly, and he sighed in relief when her hand unlatched from his mouth. "I-I needed to speak with you. I-" If he had ignored the look she gave him, hinted with lust, he could have easily delivered the prepared speech he planned. But she became so effortlessly beautiful in that second, and all the words in his brain blurred.

"It's a sin to even speak of this, but I must tell you that my mind occasionally is reminded of the night we were together." Her hand instantly raised up to do the unthinkable to his handsome jawline, and he stopped it. "I-I'm foolish to think of you in that way, but you were my lifeline that night. I-"

Angelica hushed him by placing a finger on his lips, and then she shocked him further by leaning close to his face. It wasn't a threat any longer, only a friendly reminder of what he couldn't quit thinking of. Heart pumping uncontrollably, head in a swirl, he allowed himself to lean forward too.

Their occasion was interrupted by the sound of movement upstairs. Muttering, of which could only be the man of the house, emerged and the two broke apart on the spot. Angelica began swearing to herself about how selfish she was, and she almost forgot how loud her voice had grown.

"Angelica, love? Is that you?"

Alexander's eyes widened. His father in law hobbled to the edge of the staircase and seemed to be fixated on the two figures at the bottom. Fortunately, his eyesight wasn't well enough in the dark, and he turned away.

Crouched against the wall, Angelica glanced over at her brother in law. She was devastated in both their behavior, but amused in how successful they had been in not getting caught.

"Leave, now. You've made your intentions clear, and I don't wish to cause a fuss," she murmured as she firmly stood her ground. In the dim light, her face was only a sliver to be seen. Alexander must have stared too long, for her face grew solemn, and she snapped again.

"I won't let myself fall for you, oh a cheater at the most you are, and my dear sister deserves a man who treats her right, not you," she spat in his face, hands pushing him back towards the door. She wanted that face out of her life, and where it belonged besides her sister, not her.

Alexander's mind spun in circles as he breathlessly looked at her. Hair done up in barely a suitable style, nightgown clinging loosely to her figure, and her beauty defined by the curves of shadows in the night, she was mesmerizing. "You would have kissed me had your father not interrupted the silence, wouldn't you?" His eyes steadily looked at hers.

She refused to answer that, and he noticed the way her body stiffened at that accusation. He reached out gently to brush his thumb against her collarbone and then cheek, and it only lasted a second before he nodded. "I'll leave you be, Mrs. Church."

And with a swish of his coat, in a whirl of green and the scent of memories, he left her in a daze of confusion and emotions. What she felt was unknown to her, and he only made that gap of possibilities open up again, as he had before.

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A/N: Thank you leopardthetitan and ElizabethSchuyler54 for the long awaited request! I'm back from a hiatus, one that probably made most of you forget about me (sorry!). I needed the time to recollect myself and be more comfortable with change, and now I'm refreshed and more ready than ever to provide that content you all have waited for. Thank you to the people who have been so patiently sticking with me, it means so much to me! I'm extremely behind on one shots, but trust me I have been working on them and have them ready in my drafts! Love you all, we have so much to catch up on and talk about within the Hamilton fan base!

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