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Requested by: melodiousoblivion

For a bride, her wedding day was the most important day in her life. If one thing went wrong, the day would seemingly fall apart. But luckily for one specific bride, she had several siblings and relatives to keep her sane throughout the day she was to be wed.

The household was busy with chatter and energy, the feeling of a wedding in the air. In the wings upstairs, the bride was getting prepared and chatted up by her sisters. Phones were ringing, voices were shouting, and most of all, the bride was trying to stay calm.

Downstairs, the men went to work with the groom. Ties were being flung around, shoes were being slipped on and off, as he groom sized himself up in a mirror across the room.

A shaky breath left his lips. In a few hours he'd be standing at an altar, kissing the love of his life for an official marriage. The dates, the late nights together, all seemed unreal until now.

"Alex," someone said from behind him. A little startled, he turned on his heel. Recognizing the speaker as his fiancé's brother, he nodded politely and asked what was the matter.

"You seemed tense, dude. And my father wanted to know if there was anything else you needed before we got things going." The boy seemed slightly uneasy being in the presence of the man who would be his brother in law. He shifted back and forth on his feet, awaiting an answer.

The groom chuckled softly, reaching out and patting the younger man's shoulder. "I appreciate your concern, but I'm afraid there's nothing else you could do for me. It's a little terrifying at the thought of getting married to your sister, you know. I'm going to be a husband." Another shaky sound escaped his mouth and the boy looked worried.

"Eliza certainly talks highly of you. I know how big of a step it is, but you both are ready." The brother side stepped another relative, who rushed out of the room to grab something.

Alexander nodded to him. "I believe so." Before he could say anything else, the boy's phone went off in his pocket and he turned a bright red color. Excusing himself, he took the call out in the hallway. The groom sighed loudly, turning back to the mirror.

On the floor above, the room full of women was going wild with both joyful and nervous energy of the sorts. Hair was being pulled, dresses were displayed, and the smell of perfume was growing by the second. In the chair by the table full of makeup, the bride was occupied with her littlest sister, who insisted they take some silly pictures to ease the nervousness.

Eliza leaned her head back as her sister swiped her finger left to display another filter. Their faces suddenly showed dog ears. The younger sister opened her mouth and chuckled in delight at the sight of a tongue appearing. The bride opened her mouth as well, barely letting a laugh escape.

An uneasy feeling was growing in her stomach, and her sister sensed it. Placing her phone down, she asked, "Is everything alright?"

Shaking her head, she replied, "I would be lying if the answer was no. I'm just so nervous, Peggy. What if we're rushing things? What if we end up divorcing in a few months? If-"

"You love him, don't you? That's the one thing that matters. You're going to start a life with one another, away from all this madness. I'm sure once the wedding is over you'll both feel more at ease and relieved. Don't let this craze get you confused with your feelings." Peggy rested her hand on her sister's shoulder.

Before she could respond, two other sisters came into her view. The two began babbling about how they would fix her hair and put on jewels for the dress. Eliza only chuckled and insisted they get started.

A few hours passed, the late afternoon arising for the wedding. At their separate sides of the church, the groom and bride both let out sighs of anxious feelings. They were impatient to see one another all done up, but delighted at the thought of their relationship being tied.

Chimes began to ring and music played throughout the church. Phones raised in the air and a photographer raced to find a spot to see the ceremony. The ladies began walking up the aisle, blowing kisses to the crowd. A little bit behind them, male friends of the groom came dashing up the aisle, smiling at everyone.

Arm linked with her father's, Eliza began her stroll up to the altar. The cameras flashed, blinding her slightly. She stumbled and gripped her father's arm tighter. Only a few more steps to your destination.

Up ahead, she could see her beloved fiancé. He laid eyes on her and held back a soft sigh of approval. Never in his life had he seen a more beautiful creature than her. Eliza bit the corner of her lip as she reached the steps, letting her father kiss her cheek, before ascending them.

Her dress glittered with jewels of all sizes and value. A single white rose was tucked into her elegant bun of hair. But her smile of innocence and pure pleasure was the most beautiful of all the accessories.

The priest began speaking to the two of them, first commenting of how lovely of a ceremony they had accomplished together. Alexander reached out and took his fiancé's hand, beaming proudly. She cleared her throat and looked at him shyly. Being in front of all their friends and relatives, the affection seemed different than what they shared before.

"Do you take this man to be your husband?"

Awakened by his words, Eliza nodded her head, murmuring, "Yes, I do." She looked over at him, receiving a smile. Everything was slowly coming together and all at once.

"And do you take this woman to be your wife?"

Alexander chuckled softly. "Yes, of course. I absolutely do." He linked their hands together, pulling her closer, with an eager grin. His eyes were firmly looking at her lips.

"Without further ado, I pronounce the two of you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The audience filled with people they had known for years or weeks leapt to their feet, cheering and clapping. Alexander pulled his wife to his chest, before leaning down and kissing her. A wave of relief tumbled through both their bodies. Flowers from the level above came floating down and onto their heads.

Standing on her toes, Eliza kissed her husband passionately, wrapping both arms around his neck. They broke apart for a second to wave and smile at the crowd that was awaiting their walk up the aisle and out of the church.

Before she could return to their blissful kiss, he swooped her up into his arms. Giggling, she pressed her body close to his taller one, as they descended the stairs and down the aisle. A few friends hollered from the back of church, holding out their phones to capture the scene.

"Oh, I love you," Alexander's voice whispered into her ear as they passed the people. Eliza looked up at him and could see tears in the whites of his eyes. Timidly biting her lip, she nodded in return.

"I love you too."

For the first time in months since planning their wedding, everything seemed alright. The journey would only continue from there. With one another. Their lives would continue side by side and who knew what their future held.

But one thing was for sure. Alexander swore to himself in that moment that he would never be unfaithful to Eliza. He wouldn't break her heart or make her regret marrying him. The reason he had wed to her was to make sure that nothing but happiness came in her direction.

And he would stay true to that promise, for his dear Eliza's sake.

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A/N: Thank you melodiousoblivion for the request! I loved writing this modern wedding for Alexander and Eliza. And sorry for the wait, I've been on a little vacation, truly sorry for the absence. If you're looking for a book to read while I'm away at times, you could look at books by someone like Hamilton_Bae, as well as several other talented authors.

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