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Requested by: octaviabowie
OC: Poppy Rogers

There was another gunshot, much louder this time. It had barely missed one soldier. At the brush of the metal, he stumbled backwards.

Someone behind the soldier shouted and there was another shot, only this time greeted by a scream. Turning on his heel, the soldier watched as a fellow friend collapsed to the ground. Dead. The word echoed around.


The soldier turned. That was the name he always responded to. It took so much strength to remember sometimes that he was a she.

Indeed, most soldiers had some secret they carried with them to the grave. This could be the one for Percy. Living two identities was getting difficult and she didn't know which name or side to trust.

Looking through the rising smoke, she tried to see who was calling for her. There was a figure stepping out of the shadows, making himself clear to see now. "Par ici, mon ami!" In the panic and chaos, languages were getting confused and no one had time to think about their speaking.

Lives were at risk and they had to move as quickly as possible. If there was another wrong move, another life would be lost.

Percy ran towards the person, grabbing on their hand. Her friend's curls were blown in all different directions from the gunfire. He looked terribly frightened. And that was saying a lot, as he wasn't the type to get shaken easily.

A cloud of smoke covered the two as they ran to safety. At this point, they had no chance winning. The only option was to retreat with no regret. Those who were lost would be mourned, but those who survived would save their own life first.

However, much to their dismay, the men in redcoats were still firing. No matter how far they ran, the closer the intimidating figures neared. She could almost feel them clawing at her jacket, preying on her desperate breaths.


When she tried to say her friend's name, another distant cannon cut her off. She halted and turned just in time to see another one of their soldiers collapse. Standing above the victim was another redcoat. He raised his head and noticed Percy watching.

Percy's feet began moving again, and she dashed after his friend who was shouting at him. The beating of drums in her ears grew stronger with every leap she took. All the other noises drowned out except for the drumming.

All of a sudden there was the sound of a trigger being pulled in the distance and the feeling of a knife slicing her heart open.

The world went grey around her as she tumbled to the ground. Up ahead she could just barely see his friend rush towards him. Two arms wrapped around her waist and they began moving again, faster this time.

"Rester en vie!" Her friend was weeping, cradling him close to his chest. That was one of the last things she remembered before waking up safe and sound.

When the young soldier awoke, the instant reaction was to be at attention. Wincing, she decided that was not the best idea. She was very surprised when she noticed her good friend in battle watching her intently.


The man nodded. "We were retreating and one of the redcoats fired directly at you. Y-you were shot." She could sense a quiver in his voice.

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