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"Behind those doors, I only expect you to use your manners and upmost respect. You are in the presence of a man of excellence. Your father wishes for you to give him the respect you would give any other person. Is that clear?"

"Yes, mother." Each of the children nodded their heads in reply. Eliza breathed a sigh of relief. When her husband had been offered to bring the entire family to Mount Vernon, her head instantly started spinning. To take care of four children would be the ultimate task.

And since they were expecting yet another one, that was more of a stress on a mother's shoulders. Alexander had reassured his wife that he would be there too, and promised her of the children's behavior. She only hoped they lived up to that expectation.

Eliza took her youngest by the hand, before looking back at the others. Each of them gave her a positive nod, as she reached for the doorknob. The door was pulled from her reach, which surprised her, but she realized her husband had noticed their arrival and went to greet them first.

All of the children started shrieking at their father's appearance, except for Philip. Since he was the oldest, he knew how much of an impression he had to maintain. And he listened to his mother and kept a straight posture, just like the spitting image of his father.

"Hush!" Both parents looked at the two youngest who had been causing most of the noise. Philip grabbed his sister by the hand, to show he was helping in the situation. Just as the family tried to sort themselves out, there was the sound of someone clearing their throat behind them.

George Washington. The children heard their share of stories about the man, but they only thought of him as a legend. He was exactly as their father had described him. But he was much more intimidating than any of them expected.

James took one look at the man and ducked behind his mother's skirts. He peeked out with wide eyes, clearly affected by the presence of such a figure. Eliza tried to grab his hand, but he only circled farther away.

Washington held back a chuckle. The family seemed to be in a flurry to make everything go right. "Won't you all come inside?" The children flinched at sound of his voice. Philip seemed to be the only one admiring the man and all he had been through.

It didn't take much to guide the four children into the home and down the hall to a sitting room. Washington began a conversation with their mother, who seemed quite thankful to the acknowledgment. As they discussed parenthood and other things, Alexander whispered at his children, trying not to lose his patience. The littlest grabbed his hand as they headed into the sitting room.

When they entered the room, everyone took a seat. James wouldn't let go of his father's hand, so he had already claimed his spot for the evening. Philip politely took a seat beside where his father would be sitting. The other two scrambled to sit next to their mother on the rather elegant couch.

"I'm afraid we haven't made introductions, now have we? You all know my name by now, as I'm sure your father has said lots of me around the house." There were a few nods from the children. They looked over at their father for a sign of comfort. To them the man was still intimidating.

Silence filled the room, until Eliza nudged her daughter to introduce herself. Heads turned to her, which made her shrink away. Philip cleared his throat. Unlike his other siblings, he was quite the talker and took pride in meeting his father's colleagues. He praised all their work they had done for their country.

"I'm Philip. I-I know you have done a great deal for the growing country. I'm honored to be in your presence." The color on his cheeks turned bright red as he spoke. All he could see was Washington gazing at him with such fascination. At the end of his introduction, he bowed his head to the boy.

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