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Requested by: PhonixFlightStudios
OC: Jessica Emerald Washington

"Gentlemen, we will be meeting here tomorrow precisely at this time. Right?" There was a long pause before the doors to the main hall busted open and around a hundred men made their separate ways into the stormy weather. Hats practically flying off their heads, they stumbled to the place each called home.

It had truly been a miserable day. Standing at the entrance to the building was George Washington, with his head hanging down. All he wished for some respect and interest in what he was saying. But the audience he received was stubborn.

Just as he was about to turn and go inside, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He glanced behind him and sighed at the person. "You should go back inside. I will only be a couple more minutes."

Stepping next to him, letting the rain pour on top of her, the woman whispered, "No, you should go inside. It's too miserable out here and you need to rest at home." She went to take his hand but he rejected it. Taking a desperate breath she said, "Please."

He didn't respond to her. Instead he looked out in the street, his eyes watching every person that passed by. The woman persisted, tugging his sleeve. "George, you need to come inside. You're going to be all soaked."

She was being gentle, but that could all change in a few seconds. With a defeated sigh, he rubbed his eyes before saying, "I guess it's time to try and get some rest. Who knows what tomorrow will bring."

Without another word to her, he walked back through the open doors into the building to collect his belongings. He'd barely gotten through the door when another man passed him on the way out. Both said respectful goodbyes and went their separate ways.

The man nodded his head at the open door, skipping through. He turned and saw who was holding the door open. Much to his pleasure, it was a woman.

"You're going to get wet if you stand out here any longer. Do you have a place to stay the night?" Although he came across as eager in his words, his firm position kept him calm.

Turning her head to face him, she said, "I'm not that foolish to know what you're saying, sir." She let her eyes wander up and down his body before meeting his eyes. The man visibly shivered, stepping forward.

"Well, a young woman such as yourself doesn't need to be wandering alone at night in this weather." He placed a hand on her arm, pushing her back under the overhang. The two of them shifted by the doorway.

Raising her head, the woman murmured, "We have barely met and you're already touching me like you know me." Her cheeks flushed pink  and she pulled her arm away. "I can handle myself, thank you very much."

Just as he went to say something, there was the sound of someone clearing their throat. Both of them looked up and instantly separated.

Washington was watching them from the doorway with hidden amusement and frustration.

"Sir." The man straightened up at attention, holding his head up high. Clouded over with worry, his face was unlike the flirtatious one he had a few seconds ago.

Looking between both of them, George sighed, weighing his options. He finally replied, "I see you've met my sister, Alexander."

Breathless, the man let out a gasp, quickly covering it with his hand. He looked over at the woman and then back at his commander. In complete embarrassment, he stuttered to find an answer.

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