Coffee Days (4)

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Requested by: Omqxbri, MDandDisney, melodiousoblivion

Two weeks had passed since the family dinner and the makeout session in her bedroom. Eliza had contacted him again, texting late into the night, and walking with him between classes. It seemed like their relationship was blossoming by the second.

The only thing standing in their way in being affectionate in public was her sisters. Angelica trailed behind the two of them with a glare on her face, clearly trying to figure out just how far things were going. Peggy would do something similar, maybe questioning her older sister and stalking the boy's social media.

Eliza knew getting involved with a guy would end up with her sisters being nosy. But he wasn't just any guy. He was the guy. Alexander truly cared for her and showed that in his writings, texts, and of course, affection.

She couldn't let that run off, just because of some pestering siblings.

"Look, why don't you just tell them? It'd make things simpler." After a day that dragged on with lectures and presentations, Alexander had offered to study with her. Their study sessions never ended with textbooks spread open. Lips and hands found their way to each other and it went from there.

But when they caught their breath and discussed the situation of sophomore year and their feelings, a lot was exchanged. "You don't know my sisters. Overprotective and always ruining things. Angelica would tear us apart if she found out."

"If she found out what? That we're making out in your room every time I'm over?" Alexander crawled across the bed to his girlfriend, kissing her cheek gently. Eliza blushed at the touch, despite the fact she couldn't stop thinking about the reaction of her siblings.

Maybe his loving gestures and words got a little too cluttered in her head, for the very next day at school, things took a turn. The end of history neared, followed by the bell ringing, and students rushing out the door. Eliza scrambled to collect her books. She was eager to see Alexander on their way to calculus.

"You're heading to calculus now, right?"

Dropping most of her books at the sudden voice, Eliza glanced up to see her darling sister only a few feet away. Popping a piece of bubblegum in her mouth loudly, Angelica heaved her bag higher on her shoulder, awaiting an answer to her question.

"Yeah, I am. Why do you-"

"Well, it wouldn't be a bother if I walked with you? Besides, we haven't really talked as sisters in a while, hm?" Angelica tapped her foot, smacking the gum in her mouth again. If you could stop popping that gum around in such an annoying manner, then yes, Eliza thought.

Of course she wouldn't ever dare to say that to her sister's face. Instead, pulling on a cheerful face, she said, "Not at all." She slung her bag on her shoulder and headed for the door, older sister right on her heel.

Her heart dropped when she noticed Alexander halfway up the hall, looking around for her. His face brightened up the second she stepped out and he hurriedly went to escort her, stopping in his tracks suddenly at the sight of Angelica.

Angelica eyed him, popping the gum again with interest in those eyes of her. "Late for class, Hamilton? Move along then." She shooed him away from her sister, wrapping a protective arm around the younger girl. Eliza tried to say something to him, but he just hung his head and walked off to calculus.

Seeing no problem in putting sophomores in line, Angelica flipped her hair. "Now tell me, do you have a thing for Alexander? You two seem close. He's been hanging around the house and all, I thought-"

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