
769 41 11

Requested by: _eggs_

"James, why do you need my confirmation on this? Publish it without question."

Thomas handed the piece of parchment back to his friend. After hours of going back and forth on political aspects that hadn't been addressed, he was losing patience. It had only been a day since he had been in the cabinet, spitting insults into his opponents' face. And he disliked admitting the fact that he felt threatened.

Sitting in his study, the man felt all too comfortable. His friend had offered to give him so company as he vented about the immigrant who had wandered into his life. James knew how difficult it was, the feeling of being locked in a corner.

Thomas groaned, "No, that sounded too selfish. But you do need to publish it. If it brings us one step closer to destroying Alexander, then dammit, publish it!" He slammed two fists against the wood desk.

James gathered up his papers, hands trembling. When he had suggested his idea of a bill of rights, it was almost immediately accepted by his friend. He felt encouraged, so he let writing and improving. However, he didn't feel ready to publish it.

Lips twitching, he eyed the man across the room from him. "Thomas, have you gotten any sleep?" Since arriving home, his friend hadn't even walked in the direction of his bed. It seemed like he had been avoiding the process.

"Not that I recall." Wiping his eyes, Thomas tried to ignore the thought of resting his head on a pillow and falling into a never ending slumber. He couldn't think of sleep, when people were counting on him.

The floorboards creaked underneath James as he strolled towards his friend. He reached out his hand and grabbed the other man by the arm, trying to tug him towards the comfort of his own bed. Thomas chuckled dryly. "I know what you're doing. Don't play-"

Heaving the taller man up from the seat, James huffed. He wasn't letting him get away that easily. Thomas's health meant more than anything to him. The man couldn't survive without the rest he needed.

"Are you forgetting that I'm a foot taller than you? And much heavier?" He tried to play around with the smaller man, but realized he was losing easily. He grabbed the bookshelf next to him, allowing him to stand firmly.

James finally gave up, wiping his forehead and stepping back. "You'll be wishing you gave into that opportunity when you fall asleep in front of your competition tomorrow. That will be the last straw because you'll have officially proclaimed yourself as an idiot." He grabbed the papers again, shoving them into a small case. Sweeping up the case, he stomped his foot on the ground.

Thomas hid a smile. "It wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. I'm not at all worried at the possibility. Don't pack up so soon, we still have work to do."

How dare he. James could feel his blood boiling as he stood near the doorway to the study. He could easily make a dash for the exit, his way out of there. But then again, he could stay and help create the future of their nation.

The decisions were endless. His heart sided with staying. Thomas couldn't write in his condition, so he had to be there. He heaved himself into a seat, not smiling. "Well?"

"Well," Thomas sighed. He drummed his fingers on the wooden desk, looking directly at his friend. There had to be something they hadn't covered yet. Or more important, there had to be that they hadn't created.

"Are you preparing to deliver this bill of rights in the face of evil which stands across from me every cabinet meeting?" Thomas raised an eyebrow, awaiting an answer.

"You know, Alexander may be who you choose to be your worst enemy, but indeed it's only you that makes things worse." James felt his mouth go dry at the words. He wasn't one to insult his own friend. That wasn't how he played the game.

"Are you questioning me, Madison?"

James was certain he had completely failed this time. He backed away from his friend, faking a sympathetic smile. It would be a while before he received any sort of sympathy though.

"I believe business is done for today, don't you agree?" Shoving the papers away, Thomas glared at his friend. To insult him in his own home, question his values, and then act like everything was alright was too much of a sin.

His menacing tone sent the smaller man rushing to collect his things. They never were on terms like this. Everything went fine, until James decided to open his mouth.

James silently scolded himself. Why do you have to always say what you think? The best advice he had learned from watching the cabinets was to speak loudly. But that was also the worst advice. And he should have known that being influenced by Jefferson.

"Agreed," he mumbled, giving his friend one final nod before leaving the room. When the door shut behind him, he leaned against it momentarily and let out a long breath. He knew they would be on better terms the next day. Or so he hoped.

As he walked down the steps to his awaiting carriage, James pulled out a handkerchief, before quickly blowing his nose. A fit of coughs followed. He stood, hunched over, gasping and spluttering. But then it was gone within a few seconds.

He entered the carriage, muttering a destination to the driver. The only place he wanted to be at that point was at home with his wife. She would welcome him without any question as to why he was back so early.

With a crack of a whip, the horses neighed and began making their journey down towards whether they might be heading. James leaned his head against the side of the bouncing compartment, shutting his eyes. There was an unbearable pain growing in his head, so he blew his nose again, in attempt to stop it.

He opened his eyes again, just in time to see Thomas standing in the window of his study, silently watching. He nodded at James, before vanishing into the depths of his home. It wouldn't be long before they talked again and made up for the misunderstanding.

Maybe with their misunderstanding, their relationship would blossom. Or so they prayed, for they feared it could crumble at any second.

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A/N: Thank you _eggs_ for the request! I enjoyed writing Jefferson and Madison, as their relationship was intriguing. And guys, if you have requested something and it hasn't been posted yet, I'm busily writing it, don't think I've forgotten!

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