Late Night (2)

522 30 12

Requested by: RavenKilljoy

Almost a week had passed since the conversation between Angelica and her brother in law happened. She had avoided him as much as possible, making sure to only let her feelings roam free behind the door of her room.

Her heart was only breaking more at all the stories her sister had to share of their perfect life together.

Angelica forced a smile on her face when her sister swooned about him. "Oh, how he understands me and knows everything. I've never been more in love in my life," she would sigh, like she didn't remember how alone her older sister was.

If only she truly knew how many nights she looked at the moon outside of her window and how much she sobbed about Alexander. She wanted to tear his name away from her mind, to get rid of any trace of feelings for him, but the pain was too unbearable.

The more she thought about him, the more something happening between them seemed likely. She would wait by her door at night and listen to the sound of his footsteps fade away into her sister's quarters.

And then she would storm over to her window, not wanting to even think about what the two of them were up to.

That all changed one night when the footsteps stopped outside her door. Just like they had a week ago. Angelica rose from her bed, hurrying to answer it.

"Alexander," she breathed in relief, upon seeing his figure outside her door. Sneaking a glance at her sister's room, she invited him in, almost pulling him at the shoulder. It had been a week and things had changed.

"You've been avoiding me and I can't help but think it was about something that I said last week to-"

"No, not at all. I've been thinking to myself recently, that's why. As much as it pains me to say it, I'm still in love with you. You're the one thing on my mind." She helplessly settled down on her bed, closing her eyes.

Alexander stepped forward, positioning himself in front of her. His eyes glimmered brightly in the darkness, as he looked down at her. "You don't have to hide anything around me, Angelica. We don't have to tell anyone else about a single thing exchanged tonight."

"What do you-" Cut off by his lips, Angelica backed up in surprise. She had not been expecting that. Her cheeks blossomed into a pinkish color, making her melt into his welcoming embrace. No, don't do this, a voice in her head warned.

But you want this so bad, another voice whispered. Remember your sister, the first innocent voice reminded her. Alexander pressed his chest to hers, pinning her wrists onto the bed. Someone could catch you, the first voice insisted. A soft sound of approval left her lips, and she ignored that warning.

The rest of the night seemed like a blur of passion and desperate attempts to grab one another tightly. All was a distant memory by the time she woke up the next morning. Head beating with dirty reminders of what happened, Angelica groaned and looked around her distorted room.

She groaned even more when she realized who was lying next to her. "Alexander," she whispered in his ear. As she leaned over his body, nudging him to wake up, it came to her realization how bare her body felt. A shaky breath left her mouth at the feeling of her own skin brushing against his and the sheets.

"Alexander," she whispered again. He still refused to move or wake up. Panicking, she grabbed the side of his chest and flipped him over to face her.

The moment she saw his face a sickening taste filled her mouth. A lipstick kiss was smudged on his jawline, followed by at least two visible hickeys.

Tangled hair and all, he was clearly the victim of loads of passion. Angelica winced, thinking just how her sister would react. She'd scream and then demand a divorce. And her eyes would glaze over and she would refuse to speak to anyone for the next month.

You're a selfish, ignorant sister, you know that? Angelica groaned again, covering her body with the sheets. She hadn't wanted to end up in bed with him, just only to have a decent conversation about her feelings with him.

Maybe she had been too wishful.

Clutching her head, she hissed, "Alexander, please wake up." It must have been loud enough, for his head lifted up from the pillow and he let out an exhausted groan.

"Eliza?" When he murmured her sister's name, that only made Angelica feel more guilty. He was expecting to see her sister, not her. She wondered if maybe he would have forgotten what happened. That would make things smoother between them.

But he hadn't. After blinking his eyes open, and noticing he was completely naked, Alexander laid eyes on her. His eyes lit up in a way she'd never seen them before and it made her stomach flip a few times.

"Angelica," he breathed, reaching out to touch her cheek. She almost let him, but backed away at the last possible second. He recognized that frozen, confused look on her face immediately.

As he began to comfort her, Angelica snapped at him, "You need to leave. What happened last night was a mistake and betrayal against my sister and your wife. We won't ever speak of this again, agreed?" She crossed her arms over her chest, making sure the sheets covered her exposed body.

Alexander ran a hand through his tousled hair, holding out one hand. "We both asked for that, and you know that. But on that note, yes, this will never be spoken of again. And it won't ever happen again as well, correct?"

"Yes. I'd advise you to get out of my room before your wife notices your absence." She shook her head in distaste, letting her curls sway around her shoulders. As she went to slip into her clothing, she noticed Alexander watching her. "Look away," she whispered.

He realized how far one glance of his had gone, causing him to duck his head down and begin to pull on his stockings and breeches. Blinking back the tears forming in the sockets of his eyes, he tried not to think about what he could remember of the night before.

The two of them got dressed in silence, neither of them daring to speak or sneak a glance at each other. Just as Alexander was buttoning up the last of his shirt, she pushed him out the door. "Wait, let me-"

Slam. The door shut in his face. Angelica let out a shaky sigh of relief, before dashing over to her desk. She pulled out a piece of parchment and quill, rushing to write a letter, an answer to a question she had almost forgotten about.

It would be the only way to get Alexander out of her mind and far, far away.

I accept your proposal, she finished writing just as tears began tumbling down her cheeks, letting her sobs be broken free from her lips.

Maybe that letter would send her in a new direction, somewhere far away from the lingering betrayal she cast upon her darling sister. She couldn't face her anymore, without thinking of what happened behind her bedroom door. It would for the better, for all of them, and most importantly her broken pride.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
A/N: Thank you RavenKilljoy for the request for this one shot! It was quite interesting to continue this, as this is the second one shot I wrote in this book. So long ago did I come up with this idea, and now I get to bring it back and wrap things up. Four updates today, more to come tomorrow!

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