Forgotten (2)

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Requested by: MichaelaTheWordsmith
OC: Celestine Louise de Medici

"Hush, you don't want to wake your father, now do you?" Celestine stepped into a moon beam, wrapping her arms tightly around her youngest child. The baby gurgled, but didn't make much of a fuss.

Sighing to herself, the new mother looked out the window. Barely a few months ago it felt like she had gotten married to the Prince, and now here she was with two children. She knew she should feel happy, but there was something that made her heart sink.

As she rocked her baby back and forth, she looked out of her window. The world behind her glass pane was silent. However, she knew far beyond the horizon of mountains was a city that never slept, only an ocean away.

Celestine heard the door to her bedroom open, and she turned around hurriedly. She noticed her husband had awaken and was standing by the door. "Augustus?" With a hint of worry in her voice, Celestine walked towards him.

He seemed startled. "You're awake? I-I-" But no other words came out. Celestine had never seen him in so much fear. She tilted her head, quietly murmuring, "Are you alright?"

Her husband chuckled dryly. "Of course, I'm alright. You should go back to sleep." He reached out for her, giving her a hug. It wasn't like the embraces they generally shared. This one was cold and shape, unwelcoming.

Celestine was thankful when it was over. Being the intelligent woman she was, her mind told her that something was not right. After he left, she wandered back to the window.

Not even five minutes had passed, until she saw him out on the front lawn. Her eyes widened and heart pounded. The baby within her arms wailed all of a sudden, and she shushed him soothingly. But her eyes never left her husband.

She watched him enter a carriage that had pulled up in such a quiet manner. He looked back at the house before ordering the carriage to take off again. With a crack of the whip in the dead night, the horses began rushing down the road.

Celestine reacted quickly. She knew something was terribly wrong. Setting the child back down, she rushed over to her husband's desk.

The order she received was not to ever search the contents of his writings. She knew it would be wrong to disobey him, but it was her only choice. From what her heart was telling her, it made sense to do such a thing.

Opening the files he kept, she lit a candle. It took a few tries, until she got a perfect glow to illuminate the parchment. Her eyes scanned the papers, hurriedly, as though she feared her husband returning.

Then she discovered what she had been dreading. Tracing her fingers gently over the ink, she read it softly aloud. "My darling, of what we have is unknown. You needn't worry about our story being told. My love for you is the upmost-"

Cringing, swallowing her tears, Celestine put the papers back where she found them. It was true. How could he do such a thing? The thought of her husband with another woman, made her heart crumble into millions of pieces.

But then she reminded herself that she too was guilty of seeing someone. Lafayette, her heart pounded the name. She hadn't forgotten him for one second. When he had asked her to chose the right man those years ago, she had chosen the Prince.

It certainly wasn't what her heart wanted. It was what her mind wanted. Celestine pressed her hands to her head. Her mind seemed to always have control.

Her instincts told her to run. She was the type to run from things. And now seemed to be the exact moment. Grabbing her baby, she rushed out of the bedroom and down the hall.

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