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Requested by: AngelaLogic
OC: Catalina Jefferson

"Alexander, are you alright?"

Eliza hovered over her husband's desk, worried he hadn't gotten any sleep. He often stayed up into the early hours of the morning, writing until he fell asleep. At times, she found herself concerned for his well being.

He sniffled loudly, wiping his forehead on his sleeve. "I just had to get this written before Thomas comes at me with something else." His hands shook as secured the piece of parchment with ribbon. Eliza looked down at him but didn't reply.

She knew he was referring to the constant arguments Jefferson and himself had. The two men just couldn't agree and they were always finding ways to make the other look pathetic.

"You know Thomas will find a way to make your writing seem pointless." Eliza placed her hand on top of her husband's, smiling softly. Alexander chuckled. "I know. Maybe I just can't accept it."

He sighed, standing up from his chair. "Well, whatever the case is, Thomas is a bit distracted lately." Eliza raised an eyebrow. "Distracted?"

Alexander rubbed his chin. "His sister is in town for a few days. He's very protective of her, while she's her own person." There was a soft laugh from her husband.

"Maybe that will be my key to defeating him."

Then there was the sound of a carriage outside, horses neighing. Alexander lifted his head up and peered through the curtains. "That might even be him at this moment."

Moving past his wife, he left the room. Eliza walked towards the window, pressing her face closely to the glass. As Alexander had guessed, it was Thomas. He stepped out of the carriage, straightening his jacket and looking either way.

She watched him turn on his heel and face the carriage again. With a curious feeling, Eliza followed his movements. Thomas reached his hand out and connected it with a female hand from inside the carriage.

The person who stepped out was someone she recognized. Her heart sank deep in her chest at the woman who had just stepped onto the stone. Eliza pressed a hand to her head. No.

She heard Alexander call to her from the hall, so she dashed out of the study, praying it was just a vision. Alexander was at the door, already opening it for Thomas and the woman.

Eliza wanted to tell him to shut it, but by the way he was asking her to stand with him and greet them made her feel guilty. Ducking her head so he couldn't see the shame in her eyes, Eliza stood beside him. She swallowed hard, her throat going dry.

"Pleasant to see you again, Jefferson." Eliza bit her lip as Alexander nodded to his colleague. It was almost like fate, with Thomas arriving at their doorstep so shortly after they discussed him.

Thomas gave them both grim looks. "Well, even though I despise being in your presence, Alexander, I needed to discuss some things with you, which unfortunately required me to come here." Sensing Alexander's tension, Eliza squeezed his hand. But she was also squeezing his hand for reassurance for what was to come.

The woman stepped into the house quietly behind Jefferson. She resembled him in every way, bright eyes and combed back hair. Her dress fell elegantly to the floor, a daring purple color that stood among the rest of their outfits.

Eliza cleared her throat uncomfortably. She was positive her cheeks had turned red already, and that she was sweating. The woman laid eyes on her, mouth opening in surprise. She smartly shut it before either of the men noticed.

Thomas placed an arm around her shoulder. "I don't think you've had the chance to meet my lovely sister, Catalina, yet." While Alexander shook her hand, Eliza's thoughts started spinning around. Sister? That was his sister?!

Hamilton One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora