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Requested by: MichaelaTheWordsmith
OC: Celestine Louise de Medici

From the first glance of what was heard about America, the revolution, and the nearing war, most would say it was intriguing. But one girl found it very intriguing, in a way that others didn't seem to see it as.

She wasn't like most women in New York, for she was noted as a princess. That title wasn't a lie, for she was a princess, not that she much looked up to the title as highly as people might think.

A few occasional passerby acknowledged her and her recent arrival. Their respect and mercy kept the young woman on her feet. She was desperate to do something to stop the war happening. Her mind buzzed with ideas, but everything she said seemed to be shoved away.

Although being in England had its perks, it was not the life she ever dreamed of having. Her parents had introduced her to the man she was to be marrying in a short amount of time.

At the thought of him, her heart flipped. There were many different things she felt for the Prince. Augustus was attractive, she would admit, but just not her type.

Brushing a lock of dark brown hair behind her ear, she hurried along the streets. A few redcoats gave her looks. They knew very well she was from England, a part of their league, which to them was reassuring. But what they didn't know was that she was no longer on their side.

However, as her mind was going wild with all the thoughts one woman could have, she heard someone shouting her name. "Celestine!" The streets were crowded, so she practically had to push through groups of people to find who was calling her.

When she reached a small patch of empty space, her eyes widened. Oh no. Standing a few feet ahead of her, was a familiar face that she knew all too well. With her making arrangements to leave England, never had she expected to cross paths with this young man again.

A gust of wind almost knocked her off her feet in surprise. She rushed to grab her dress and maintain a steady posture. Two strong hands gripped her shoulders before she could react.

"Celestine, it's me! Don't you remember?"

Of course she remembered. Celestine pushed herself away from the gentleman, feeling a little too close for her liking. "How could one not remember you, Monsieur Lafayette?"

Lafayette, a well respected soldier, beamed down upon the woman in front of him. She looked just as beautiful as the day he had seen her last. "Madam, it has been too long."

Shielding her eyes from the sun glare, she nodded. "I suppose it has." There was a pause as she thought of something else to say, only to be cut off by the dashing man.

"Shall we catch up? I have missed you dearly since our last meeting."

Celestine nervously chuckled. "How kind of you to offer. I'm not able to though. I have important business matters."

Seemingly unaffected by the decline to his invitation, Lafayette kept trying. "May I escort you to wherever it is you need to be?" He stuck his hand out and Celestine could see it was shaking slightly.

There were voices in her mind saying not to let him, but she shook them all away. "That'd be lovely." Their arms linked and Lafayette secured his grip on the young princess.

For a few blocks they walked in silence before Lafayette said, "What brings you all the way across the ocean?" Celestine shyly smiled, hoping she wasn't blushing.

"I wished not to stay in England any longer. My father is dreadful, he constantly is by my side and telling me who to be. When I heard there was a war, I fled here and have been trying to help the Generals and soldiers work something out." In defeat, she sighed. "But they don't believe my opinions are valid, as I am a woman."

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