Coffee Days

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Requested by: Omqxbri

The weeks leading up to finals were miserable for one particular orphan. Struggling to stay awake at night, writing until his hand cramped up, Alexander was practically falling apart at the seams. As much as grades mattered, his teachers always said his health was much more important. So he finally gave in and listened.

After studying for hours on end, he stumbled to the nearest coffee shop. It wasn't uncommon to see him in there. Or any other sophomore for that matter.

"Espresso," he murmured dryly to the person behind the counter. "Grande, thank you." As the man began making his drink, he searched in his pockets for his wallet. Fishing out a five, the teenager patiently waited.

When his order was completed, Alexander searched for a table among the shop. There wasn't many people in the shop, besides half asleep high schoolers. One of his enemies from the debate team smirked in his direction as he passed by.

Ignoring the look, he found a table in the corner and sat down. The burning liquid slipped down his throat as he consumed the coffee. Grimacing, shutting his eyes, he decided to wait a moment to drink it.

At that moment, the door to the coffee shop snapped open. Three sisters, each wearing a unique color, stepped inside. One of them was babbling about something she had read online, while the other two stared up at the menu. The second they decided, the three of them headed to the counter to make their purchases.

The three of them grabbed their straws and drinks. One, a bit shorter than the other two, dressed in a yellow sundress, excitedly declared she was going to find a table. Alexander realized how long he must have been staring, so he turned back to his own table and pretended to be occupied.

But his eyes wandered back to the girls. One of them took off her sunglasses and placed them in the crook of her halter top. Alexander suddenly felt touched by a sudden force at the sight of her eyes. Oh, her eyes.

The other sister muttered something, before leading the way back to the tables. Perfectly aligned as they walked, the sisters clearly had an affect on everyone they passed. Even Alexander's enemy from the debate team blushed at the sight of them.

Out of all the places they could have chosen to sit, the sisters picked a table right beside Alexander. Sliding down in his seat, praying they didn't call him out for watching, he sipped his coffee nervously. If they hadn't already, they certainly did then.

The oldest looking one smirked. "Haven't ever seen you around here." Her sisters turned their attention in the direction of the sophomore as well. Alexander still felt himself glancing at the one with the sky blue eyes.

"Oh, I'm not really out of my place often. You know, mostly studying." Great, that's an absolute turn off for girls, Alexander thought to himself. But the sister surprised him by leaning forward on her chair.

"So you're well educated? And you take pride in school obligations?"

Alexander definitely could feel his cheeks turning a bright red color. He wasn't used to attention, much less from girls. Usually when he talked about writing and reading, people ignored him.

"Yeah, definitely. I'm usually referred to as the one who goes above and beyond." Oh, here comes the bragging, a voice in his head whispered. Alexander clenched his teeth together as he grinned at the girls.

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