Chapter 5

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Xiumin's POV

After the school,I decided not to go home.Luhan already texted me that he already went home.I went to my cafe to rest my mind.I ordered a cup of coffee milk.As the coffee arrived,I thanked to the waiter and sip my coffee.I sighed.I stared at a frame of picture,hanging on the wall.It's a picture of mine with my ex-band.11 boys.We were called as EL-BOYS.

"Is anything wrong,Mr Minseok?",Hana,one of the waitress there asked me.She vert close with me since she worked here.

"Didn't I told you to remove it?",I said as I pointed my finger at the picture.

"I'm so sorry,but your Appa doesn't allowed it.He visit here last week".


"The picture was a logo of this cafe.We Are One",she answered.

"We aren't.There's no more El-Boys,Hana".

"I don't know what happened,Mr Minseok.But,you still can fix it.You still have a time.I really want to watch the all of you perform..."

"AGAIN~",she continued.

Min Ha's POV

I went to a bar to meet someone.Not my boyfriend nor my sugar daddy.But my cousin,Kim Jong In.I saw him sitting at the counter with a glass of Soju.He always went here whenever his mind in mess.And I'm the one who have to advice him and bring him home.

"I don't hit her~I didn't killed her.It was an accident.I didn't mean to hit her.I didn't mean it~",he kept murmuring.I take a seat beside him at the counter and order a cola.

"Please,don't be like this,Kai~Life must go on.I know 'them' hates you,but please.You still have friends and family that cares about you",I said.

"I can't forgive myself,Min Ha.I killed her.I killed your friend.Your best friend.And I'm sure,she still-"

"Kai~You started it again.Listen.Accept the fate and let she rest in peace there",I cutted him off.

"There must be silver lining behind all these,Kai",I continued.I can't let him being like this for his whole life.He suffered,trauma and phoebia.I know my cousin well.He can't forgive himself for any mistake that cause by him.

"Kai,did you hear me?",I asked.No response from him.I shook his shoulder and found that he alredy slept.

"Aishhh~This kid!Who's going to carry you?!",I muttured.I have to bring him home in any solutions.I search for anybody to help me,but there no one.The bar just left with drunk people.I went outside's very quiet outside.Well,12am.Who still awake in this time?Students like me should sleep and have sweets dream.And there,I saw a boy.He looks so familiar to me.I scanned him and found that my thought was right.

"Chen!Kim Jong Dae!",I called him.He waved his hand at me and approach me.

"Hi,Min Ha.What are you doing in such of this time?By the way,why you're calling me?Wait.Let me guess.Kai-"

"Ne~Hurrmm..Can you put him into his car?He alone at the counter.Please,Chen~".I added it with my puppy eyes.He nodded and went inside to get Kai.

The drive was really silence.Well,Kai slept at the back seat while I have nothing to talk to Chen.I can't believe that he cares about my safety.After sent Kai home,both of us walked to our home.Kai,Chen and I live in a same neighbourhood.It's just Kai's house a quite far from mine while Chen live 2 door away from mine.

"Gomawo,Jong Dae",I said and giggled.

"Stop calling me Jong Dae.We already knew each other for years.But,you have to advice Kai.He have to stop his habits.I know how he felt,but-"

"Ne~But,you know him well,isn't it?He just ignored my advices",I cutted him off.Chen just heard me.After I done,silence fill us.

"Min Ha",Chen called my name.I turn at him with a what-expression.

"We-arrived at your house.Didn't you wanna go in?",he asked.I palm my face and chuckled.

"Ahh~Yeah~See you again,Chen".I waved my hand at him and went into my house.

Chen's POV

I don't know.Should I tell her?I've kept this feeling for a long time,but I don't know how to tell it to anybody.Even my family Xiumin hyung know nothing about this.I sighed.I take my phone on the coffee table and dial D.O's number.

"Chen?",D.O answered.

"Kyungsoo!You must-"

"Tutttt....",he cutted the line.Weird,he never act like this before.Although EL-BOYS already disband,but we still keep contact each other in secret.Suho forbid us because of the incident.I sighed.No one want to help me.Suddenly,my phone rang.It's D.O.
I answered it.

"Mianhae,Chen.I didn't mean to cut the line just now.I'm with Suho hyung now",he said.

"Urr...Okay.See you tomorrow"

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