Chapter 8

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Luhan's POV

I about to sleep until my phone vibrate.There maybe a message.I took it and unlock it.

From: Baozi

Hi Luhan.Sorry for not told you early.I went to my halabeoji house at Gyeongi-Do and I'm not coming home tonight.Asked Ahjumma to not waiting me.Don't worry about me.I miss him.And I'm not going to school tomorrow.Take care my car,or you'll know it >_<.

I went to school as ussual even not with Xiumin.Everything come back to normal today.Happiness,cheerful...Everything back!

I went to my locker to get some stuffs.After got it,I locked it.I then saw Ye Jin,walking alone.I then ran towards her.

"Hi,Ye Jin!"


"Aniya~I see you walk alone here.It's no wrong,right?".She just chuckled and shook her head.We then walk together until she stopped in sudden as we saw a guy,standing a few metres away from us.

Ye Jin's POV

I stopped walking as I saw him,a guy that left me because of a girl.Many thoughts in my mind.I scared if he do anything to us.Especially,Luhan.He know nothing about my past time.I hold his hand tightly and started walked pass by him.

"Who's that guy?",Luhan asked me as we already few metres away from that guy.

"He...Urrm...Tsk.Nothing.You'll late for your class,LuLu.S-see you!"

"What?!",Hye Jin and Min Ha yelled.Whole class focus in us.

"Ne~I suprised with his present today.I thought he already move to another school".I sighed.I told them the whole story.

"That Jackson!Let me settle him for you!",Min Ha said and about to exit our class but I grabbed her wrist.

"You don't have to do it.It's my problem and let me the one who settled it.Let me talk to him".

"Wait.Why did you hold Luhan's hand tightly?OMO!Did you.....",Hye Jin giggled and both of them chuckled.

"Ya~Don't think nonsense please!I'm scared.And I hope...Eric will thought that I already have someone to replace him".

Eric's POV

"Who is that guy?Is he a new students here?If I'm was right,why he is holding hand with Ye Jin?".Many questions in my mind.I sighed.I can't forget everything happened to me last year.My fault either,for believe the wrong.

"I thought you already move to another school.When you return here,Mr Jackson?",a very familiar girl talked to me and lean herself on my locker.She's Tiffany.

"Do you care?I want to finish my study first.Love can wait".

"Liar.I know you hurt now.You still love her,right?Then,go and get her.You free now",she said.

"You know that guy?".She nodded.

"His name was Lu Han,Chinese,5th Music A",she said.

"Looks.Since our relationship over,why don't know,try to get what we want",she added.I can see an evil face now.

"Nonsense.Ye Jin doesn't love me anymore.And it's because of you!".I then take a step forward and start to leave her there.

"I want Luhan and you want Ye Jin.It's a win-win game.If you change your mind,don't forget about me".

Luhan's POV

"We'll have annual Sports Day on next 2 weeks.And I hope,all classes be ready and excited for it.I hope we'll get a new champion!",our principal told us in assembly.

After the assembly,all the Music A classes gathered in gym.Sir Lee gave us our team T-Shirt.Orange colour with black letters on it.'Music A~FIGHTING!!!'

"What would you like to join?Soccer?",Xiumin asked.

"Nice!!!".I write down our names in the entry form.It suprised me a lot.

-Wu Yi Fan
-Kim Jun Myeon
-Zhang Yi Xing
-Byun Baekhyun
-Park Chanyeol
-Kim Jong Dae
-Do Kyungsoo
-Huang Zi Tao
-Kim Jong In
-Oh Sehun

"Owh,my name is Kim Minseok.Don't you ever try to write it as Baozi",Xiumin said and chuckled.

"I believe,Luhan.There must be someone who can reunite them.Many people outside there...want to see they perform again",Hana says recalled in my mind.

"Maybe..I can reunite them.This is the most suitable.All of them will play as a team.As One".

Thanks,My Love | LuhanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora