Chapter 16

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Luhan's POV

"Gosh!!!I'm late!Why do I have stuck in this traffic jam?!!

As I reached at school,I ran to my class.This was Xiumin's fault.He didn't wake me up.That Baozi really!

"Stop there,Lu Han",someone called me.I turn around and the voice come from Suho.

"Class already started for 15 minutes.You're a late",he said.

"You have to clean our classroom after school,by your own",he continued.

"Today was not a lucky day for me"

~after school~

"Hehe.Mian,Luhan.I thought you want to skip classes today",he said and laughed,together with Chen.

"Just wait at home and you'll know what will happen",I smirked.Both of them then ran away and left me alone in the class.I get a broom from the back of class and started to sweep the floor.So many dust!

"This class is so wide and huge.I can't make it alone",I sighed.

"Come on,Luhan!You're a man!No men will give up for a such small things like this!You can sing while doing this.It can make you feel everything take a short time".

Wǒ de ài bù shìhé xiàndài de guīzé
Yǒurén shuō
Qīngchūn tài duǎn
Yǒu gǎnjué jiù yào huīhuò
Bìng bù dàibiǎo wǒ méiyǒu yǒngqì Qù shuō ài nǐ
Dāng wǒ bàozhe nǐ zài wǒ de huái lǐ
Wǒ zhēn de bùxiǎng zài fēnlí
Nǐ xiāng bù xiāngxìn

ài de wēndù zài jìxù
Yīqiè dōu hái láidéjí
Màn man kàojìn nǐ de xīn
Dú zuìshēn chù nǐ de mìmì

ài xūyào shíjiān
Cái nénggòu bèi zhèngmíng
Qǐng duì wǒ
Yǒu xìnxīn
I'll promise to you

Ye Jin's POV

I on my way to go home.My class end a quite late today because Mrs.Kang gave us a tonne of homeworks!Simce the stairs to go down near to 5th Music A,I've to walk a quite far.

ài xūyào shíjiān
Cái nénggòu bèi zhèngmíng
Qǐng duì wǒ
Yǒu xìnxīn
I'll promise to you

"Wow!!That voice!Who sang it?",I muttered.That voice came from 5th Mucic A.I stalk through the window and saw a guy singing.

"Luhan?He can sing?",I asked myself.Seriously,I never listen to his voice.He never sing a song to me.I continue stalking him through the window and saw nobody there.

"Huh?Where he is?"

"What are you doing here?",a guy asked me in sudden.I turn around and saw him.Luhan.

"Owh!Hi,Luhan.I just-"

"You listen it?You listen to my voice?Is my voice bad?",he cutted me off with his questions.

"Are you kidding??You can be a shining star with your voice!",I giggled.

"Jinjja?Should I sing again?".I nodded happily and clapped my hands.

"With one condition.You've to help me clean my classroom".I agreed with it.We went inside and started our works.

After done cleaning,I asked Luhan to accompany me to my locker.As we reached there,Ibaw a guy leaning at my locker.I know him.He was the guy that I hate most.ERIC JACKSON!I pulled Luhan by his arm to my locker and and ignore him.

"Ye Jin."Eric called.

"I'm....I'm sorry",he continued.I sighed.

"Can you-"

"Owh,sure.I'll wait there",Luhan said and left us.

"Ye Jin,I'm sorry.I can explain it.I-"

"What are you going to explain again,Eric?",I cutted him off.It's very hurt to recalled the past.What he have done to me was too much.I hold my tears.

"Ye Jin,please.Only you in my heart.I love you".

"Loving you was a very big mistake I've done.You never care about me!",I yelled.My tears rolled on my cheeks.

"I do!"

"Proof it!Did you ever visit me when I'm sick?!Did you ever ask me why I didn't went to school?!Did you?!",I yelled again.He looks on the floor and shook his head.I sighed.

"Listen,Eric.There's nothing between us anymore.I forgive you.Let's just be a friend.There's no more than friend between us.Arra?".He still keep quiet.I'm about to walked away until he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you!I want you to be happy.Always happy!No.more sad!No more cry!",he groaned.He hug me tightly and I can free from it.

"Ya~Let me go!Eric!Stop this!".I tried to free from his hug but he too strong.

"Let her go!",Luhan yelled and ran toward us.He then kick and punch Eric.

"Go away from her!Don't you ever hurt her or harm her!",Luhan yelled again and grabbed Eric's collar.

"Stop.It's enough",I said as I saw Luhan about to punch Eric again.He do as told and let go Eric.He then get me.

"If you want to see me happy,then let me go.We were destinied to be friend,Eric".I then left him there and tag Luhan with me.

Luhan's POV

I drive Ye Jin's car to her favourite place,the park.She's in mess now and she need a place to calm down.

"You don't have to bring me to the park.It's late now",she murmured.

"Are you sure?".She nodded.

"He's my ex.We broke up last year because he cheated on me",she said.

"And he was the main reason I hate love",she added.I can see her tears rolled down on her cheeks.I stopped the car beside the road and wiped her tears.

"It's a past.Don't cry,Arra?Just smile".She nodded.


Eric's POV

I went to my bike and ride it to my house.As I reached home,I straight my way to my room.I get my phone from my pocket and dial Tiffany's number.

"What's wrong,my ex husband?Did you change your mind?"

"I guess it's right.I want Ye Jin back.And it won't happened if you-"

"You always blaming me!Who ask you to trust me?".I can heard an evil laugh from her.

"Fine.I'll help you to get Lohan and you have to help me too.It's our deal",I said.

"Okay.And his name is Luhan,not Lohan!"

Thanks,My Love | LuhanWhere stories live. Discover now