Chapter 23

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Luhan's POV

It is weekend and Summer Holiday started.We'll went to the camp tomorrow.Because of that,Xiumin and I decide to go to yhe shopping mall to buy some equipments such as snacks and other stuffs.

"Luhan~Is it enough?",Xiumin asked about his snacks in his trolley.

"Ya~Are you going to live there?This is too much,Baozi.You're in diet,isn't it?".He shook his head innocently

"I'm never diet.Hehe"

"I'm done.I'm going somewhere now.See you",I said and leave him alone at the Snacks Section.

Ye Jin's POV

"Is it nice?Or this one?Urmm...Maybe this one?",Hye Rin muttered and kept changing clothes.It's just a T-Shirts.

"Ya~Hye Rin!Just take all of it!You just wasting our time here!",Hye Jin yelled from outside.

"They always argue",Min Ha whispered at me and both of us got chuckled.

"Jinjja?Arra,Unnie!".Hye Rin then walked out from the fitting room with her T-Shirts.She really crazy!

"Are you crazy?!".Hye Jin then poked Hye Rin's head.It maybe too hard.

"We're going there for 4 days.Not a month.You are just wasting money,Hye Rin",Min Ha told.

"Whatever.Hye Jin will pay it.I don't care",she said and let out a big laugh.She then went to the counter and tagged her sister along.

"Poor Hye Jin.I guess I also will do the same if I have a little sister as Hye Jin",Min Ha muttered as she starred at them.

"She such a good Unnie".

After done paid for our stuffs,we deecided to go to the Snacks Section.Hye Jin,Hye Rin and Min Ha walked together in front me.A little girl clutch my shirt in sudden.She is crying.

"Mommy!",the little girl cried and hug me.I brushed her hair and kept silent but smiling.After about a minute,she released me from her hug.

"You're not my mommy".The little girl then cry again.I don't know what to do.I never manage a little one before!

"Hi,little cute girl.Stop crying,okay?",a guy interupted.He then pass her a cotton candy.Luhan.

"Kamsahabnida,oppa".The little girl cheered.

"Let's help her find her Mommy".

We sent her to information counter.So lucky,her mommy already there.Both of them thanked us.We then left and made our way to a public park,near this shopping mall.since I can't find my girls.

On the way there,we met with a very familiar lady.The cashier lady.She saw us and approach us.

"Glad to meet you guys again",she greeted us.

"Me too.Is this your sons?",Luhana asked as he ruffled the boys hair.

"Ne.They're twin.It's not easy to manage them.How about you?Have you got any children?".As the question were asked,I choked my saliva.


"Ahahahah.Pregnant.We are going to be parents.That's why we here",Luhan cutted me off.

"Jinja?Congratulation!I'm happy of you guys",she giggled.

"Eomma!Eomma!Let's go!Toys!",the twin cheered and kept pulling the young lady's hand.They bid a goodbye at us and we do the same at them.After they left,I glanced at Luham and stepped on his feet hardly.


"You-are-not-my-husband-nor-my-flance!And I'm not-",I stopped finishing my word as he put his index finger on my lips.

"Shhh~Stop babbling like a granny.That Ahjumma will ashame herself if she know the truth",he said.

"Anyway,he didn't know our names.Nothing to be worried",he continued.Okay,he is right.I then take a few steps away.Before I go anywhere,Luhan pulled me by my wrist.

"Where are you going?The park is this way".

As we reached at the park,we took a sit on a bench and look around us.Full of family picnic here.Kids also running around.They look so happy!I taka out my phone and captured some photos of them.

"Do you loves kids?",Luhan asked as he broke the silence.

"Why not?They are the most innocent creature in the world!",I giggled.

"Did you ever manage a kid?".I shook my head.

"Eomma can't get pregnant after gave birth to me.I really want at least one",I muttered.

"Gwechanha~You'll get it too.Maybe in 10 years",he said and let out a big laugh.

"Ya~It my kids,not a dongsaeng!"

Luhan's POV

We stay at the park for a quite long time.Kids still running around.I'm enjoy it too because I love kids.One day,I want to be a good father to my children,and a good husband for my wife.That's my dream!I glanced at Ye Jin who is still enjoying captured some pictures.

"It's good if you are my wife",I mumbled.It's maybe too audible until Ye Jin can heard it.

"What did you say?".I cupped my own face.

"I heard it,LuLu",she muttered and gave an -.- expression to me.

"Urr...Ye Jin.I'm-"

"You what?".I stand up and kneeling in front her.I hold her cold hand too.

"Saranghae,Ye Jin".

Thanks,My Love | LuhanWhere stories live. Discover now