Chapter 21

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Tiffany's POV

"It's okay if my ex-husband doesn't want to help me.Then,we will just let that bitch fall",I laughed evilly and smirked.

"But when?You ever yelled at Luhan.It's hard to get close with him",Taylor said.

"I know.Let's begin from the start".

I went to my locker and saw Luhan there.It's my chance now!I approach him and greeted him.

"Hi Luhan!"

"Urrr...Hi.Wait,did you the-"

"Ouh!I'm sorry about that day.I'm too emotional but it's okay now",I lied.

"It's good to know it...Urrrr-"

"Tiffany.Tiffany Swift from 5th Act B",I introduce myself and prefer a handshake.

"I've to go now.It's Music lesson now and I can't late for it",he said and take a step away from me.But he stopped walking as I grabbed him by his wrist.

"Can we have lunch together?"

"Not today.I promised to someone.Now,please let go my hand.I can't late for my class".He glared at me.I do as told or maybe he will do anything to me.

"Hurmm.......Hard to get.I like it".

After the lesson,Taylor and I went to the cafeteria to have our lunch meal.After that,we sat at our usual table.

"How sweet they are",Taylor muttered and stared at a couple.It's Luhan and Ye Jin.They're having lunch together.

"So that bitch is the someone",I mumbled.

"Duh.What are you going to do?",Taylor asked.

"Nothing.Let them enjoy first.I'll cut the line as it is the most suitable time".I smirked.

Ye Jin's POV

Luhan and I having lunch together today.Not for dating,but we are going to discuss about our Music-Act project.It's very special for us because we"re going to make a MV and it's graded.I don't want to fail it.I want to do the best this year!

"4 in a group.Who the others?",I asked.

"Eric Jackson and-"

"Eric?!Are you sure?",I cutted him off.He nodded and continue sipping his coffee.He seems too relax.

"What if he beat Luhan again?Is he will injure Luhan again?For the second time?God,please protect Luhan!He just know know nothing!",I thought in my mind.

"Don't worry about me,Ye Jin.I know how to defend myself.Tao taught me",he said.Wow~Is he can read my mind?

"He also can't harm you.I'll always be at your side",he continued and hold my hand tightly.

Why he really care about me?And in a same time,I feel so happy for what he done to me.He is a very caring person,just like my oppa.He so different than Eric.Once he wiped my tears and hold my hands before,I felt butterfly in my stomach.What this actually mean?Did I fall in love to him?

"Ye Jin?Did you hear me?".I nodded.

"I know you can't trust boys since he left you.But not me and the boys.You cam trust us.Not all the guys same in the world",he added.

"I trust you,but I just not ready to love anyone".

Luhan's POV

After school over,I asked Suho,Eric and Ye Jin to discuss about our project at Xiumin's cafe.Once everyone arrived,we start our discussion.

"The theme was Friendship.Did you guys get any idea?",Ye Jin asked.All of us shook our head.

"We have to gain some.Recording the video may took a long time",Suho said.
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"Good ideas,guys.So,we will meet again",Ye Jin said.She then pack her stuff and left the cafe.

"I also have to go.Thanks for today",Suhi said.After he left,it's just leave Eric and me.

"Dude",Eric called.

"I'm sorry about that day.I shouldn't-"

"It's okay.She was your ex and I'm sure you still love her",I cutted him off and force a smile.I then grabbed my coffee and sipped it.

"It's useless now.I cheated at her and I reserved it",Eric said.

"Ye Jin loves you,buddy",Eric continued.I chocked my coffee.

"Tsk.She can't except anyone yet in her life as her boyfriend.How can she loves me?"

"After my guys beat you,I asked them to left you there while I spy you.I saw everythings happened.I never see her cried like that.From that,I know she really loves you",Eric said.

"If I was right,you must protect her and don't be too close with Tiffany.She's dangerous",he continued.

"She need someone in her life",,he added.I don't get anything now.

"Why you really-"

"I....suffered brain cancer,stage One.I can't live for a long time.The cancer cells spread so fast.I'll dead".Eric began to cry.I patted his shoulder and rubbed his back.

"I'll help you.You love Ye Jin too,right?"

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