Chapter 35

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Min Ha's POV

It's already be 4 hours Luhan in the ICU room.The doctors still try their best in treat him.Mr Min and Sir Lee also with us,waiting for the treatment end.Ye Jin stopped crying but she didn't utter any word at all.

"I'll get something for you.Wait here",I said.She just nodded.I then went to a drinking machine and made a long time to decide which drink I should buy to Ye Jin.Someone then press on a button and purchase a drink.A latte.

"Jong Dae?"

"You should buy her a coffee.No need to think for a long time",he said and passed me the can of latte.We then went to the next machine,snacks.I get some cookies for the both of us.After done,we went back to our seats.I give the snacks and coffee to Ye Jin.Good she still in reality.

"Min Ha"

"What if he died?",Ye Jin muttered.I hugged her and rubbed her back.

"He'll never leave you,Ye Jin.Think posotive",I said.

"But he always said that he'll go forever".

"It mean nothing.Think posotive,Park Ye Jin.Everything will be fine",I said.

"Unnie~Please don't be sad.You still have us,as your friend.I know you're strong to go through all this",Hye Rin added.A few seconds later,the doctors from the ICU room come out.One of the doctor approaching us.

"Which one of you is Luhan's family?".EXO,Sir Lee and Mr Min stand up immadiately.

"I'm his uncle!",Sir Lee and Mr Min said in a time.

"I'm his twin!",Sehun said.

"I'm his hyung!",Xiumin said.

"We....his cousin!",the rest said.Th doctor scratch the back of his neck.

"Urr...can I talk to the olders?".

All of us make our own way to home except Xiumin and Sehun.They offered themselves to accompany Luhan for a night.Suho and D.O send Ye Jin,Hye Jin and Hye Rin home,while Chen offered a drive to home since we just a neighbour.

"Luhan in unconscious condition.Not coma.But,it will took a long time for him to awake.The jabbed was a quite deep and he also lost a lot of blood",Mr Min says recalled in my mind.I let out a big sighed.Still thinking how Ye Jin now.She never have to go through this.I know she hurt a lot.She lost his lovely father,she have a little misunderstood with Luhan and never listen to his explanation first.She should be happy today!Why that BITCH always mess her life?I look through out the window and sometimes,I slammed the window.

"Min Ha~Don't do that.You'll break the glass",Chen murmured and hold my hand.

"It's okay.I'll pay it",I said.

"It's not about the cost,but you'll got injured",he said.

"As Ye Jin's friend,we should support her.Don't injured yourself,Min Ha.Or Ye Jin will become more worried",he continued.

"Of course she need our support now.She still can't forgive herself about what happened to Luhan today and what she have done".

"So,don't injured yourself",he said.

"Ouh,yeah~By the way,thanks for the shot.You such a heroin.For sure,you didn't fix the situation.And you're not a murderer.Just remember you're a heroin for today",he continued.

"I really proud of you,Jung Min Ha".

Ye Jin's POV

As I went home,I rest myself on the couch.It's 1 AM.For sure,everything dark in the living room.But then,someone turn on the light.OMG!!Jin Woo oppa!

"Ya!Where have you been,Park Ye Jin?!Are you crazy?!Went home in this such of night?!",he yelled.Eomma heard it and went downstairs to see it.She approach me and sit beside me.

"Jin Woo,go upstairs.Now!",Eomma said.Oppa just do as told.He don't have any right to yelled at Eomma.A son have to be faithful to his mom.

"Ye Jin?Gwechanha?".I shook my head and cry again.Eomma saw it and pulled me into a hug.

"What's wrong?"

"Luhan.He...".I told Eomma the whole story and she listened it carefully.

"He won't leave you.Trust me",Eomma said.

"Maybe,it's called karma for me.I'm too ego and I deserve this".

"Don't say that!I know my future son-in-law is a strong guy.And you also have to be strong for him",she said.

"He need us now".

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