Chapter 15

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Suho's POV

~next week~

Sir Lee had his class in Music Studio.He want to watch our teamwork.Xiumin also already back.

"Let's see...Group A",he said.All my classmates clapped their hands.

"Kyah!!I heard they will sing MID!I love that song!",a girl who is just sitting behind me giggled with her friends.

"MID?Why didn't....Aishh~Lay"

Group A take their position on the stage.Lay sit on a stool at the piano while Chen,Baekhyun and Luhan holding their mic.Until everything ready,Lay started to play the piano.He still good in playing it.I in sudden felt miss this tone very much.

Wo wang yan yu chuan Kan wo kan bu dao de ni
Wo ce er qing ting
Ting wo ting bu dao de ni

Kan dao ceng kan bu jian de hua mian
Ting dao ting bu jian de sheng xian
Ni gei le wo chao neng li
Zai ni li kai le wo yi hou

Ceng jing de wo tai guo
Zi si zhi zhao gu wo zi ji
Ceng jing de wo tai sha
Bu dong de ni de xin
Xian zai de wo yi tian tian zai gai bian
Ming ming ni bu zai wo shen bian
Que yin wei ni er gai bian
Yin wei ni gei de ai

All the students clapped their hands again after the group done performed.I'm still amaze with them here.

"I thought..."

"Not bad,hyung.They work for the Chinese Version",Chanyeol said.I glance at Xiumin.He seems shocked with it too.

"Is I'm done a very big mistake?Is it my fault for disband our band?"
After the class,I went to my locker to get my books for the next lesson.After eveything done,I locked my locker and saw soneone leaning beside my locker.It's Sehun.

"What are you doing here?Where's your careless buddy ever?"

"I don't want to be rude to you,hyung.But please,we can reunite.Let's close the old book and open the new one",Sehun said.

"In addition,this is your final year in ASA.Didn't you want to enjoy a little?",he continued.

"I miss Suho tortoise hyung",he added.He made me thinking about it.I sighed.

"It's okay,Sehun.I just want to graduate here.Let me decide my own future",I then take a few steps away leaving him.

"You never change,hyung!Because of her death,you ruined our dream!You ruined everything!Yoe already forgave them,but you just pretend!I know you well,hyung!",he yelled at me.I stopped my steps and return to him.I grabbed his collar and hit him at the locker.

"Don't be rude to me,Oh Sehun!"

"Ya~Let him go,Suho!",someone yelled.He is Xiumin.

"Let mt friend go,Jun Myeon!",Kai joined him.

"You're the president for students in ASA!You shouldn't do that!",Xiumin said as he approaching me.Kai get Sehun and asked him to go away.

"Ya~Jun Myeon!Don't you ever hurt Sehun!He's nothing in our problem!It's happened because of me!You just can hurt me,hyung!",Kai yelled.He hold my fist and punch himself with it hardly.

"Stopped it!Can we just act normal?!Just be friends like back then?!We can't always to be like this!",Xiumin said.

"Never!Just dream for it!".I then push Kai away to the locker and leave the place.

Xiumin's POV

I approach Kai after Suho pushed him to the locker.It's so hard and Kai looks so weak.

"Kai~Kai~Are you alright?",I asked.

"Why you...Didn't you...".I shook my head

"Thanks hyung.I...I",he tried to say something but it end with closing eyes.Kai fainted.

"He fine now.He just too tired",the doctor told me after done treat Kai.I thanked her and went inside the room.I saw Min Ha beside Kai.

"Now tell me what's going on,Xiumin.You don't have to just shut your mouth",she said.I sighed.

"I...found him fainted at the locker.Doctor said he too weak.Maybe Kai didn't eat anything today",I lied.

"Are you lying me?He have a lunch with me just now.How could he be weak?"Min Ha askes.I just keep quiet.

"Fine",she said.She then went out from the room ans now just leave me and Hye Jin.

"Don't worry about her.I will calm down her.She just worried about Kai",Hye Jin said.

"I'll come to your cafe and you can tell me about it.Arra?".I just nodded.She then went out and leaving me and Kai.

"I'm too tired of this.When can it end?"

Thanks,My Love | LuhanWhere stories live. Discover now