Chapter 1/ Jordan & Olivia

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Jordan's POV

I sat on a log and took a deep breath. I had no idea where I was. I was scared. I always had Olivia with me. We got separated by a herd of those... Things. I shivered as a cool, brisk wind blew past me.

I stood up and began walking in no known direction. The fall leaves crunched under my feet as I walked. I couldn't take it, I needed to see Liv again.

I sighed. I heard a noise behind me. I spun around and came face to face with a dead person.

I tried to back up and I tripped. The thing fell on me and I screamed. I dropped my knife and my gun was unreachable. I cried as I thought this was the end.

I'm sorry Maddy and Olivia... I think in my head. The dead person came closer and closer to me as it snapped it hungry teeth, waiting for something to munch on.

A gunshot rung though the air and the dead person fell on me, dead... Again. I looked around and I saw a boy about my age, maybe older standing there. His blue eyes stood out from his dirty face, along with his sheriff's hat.

He came closer to me and I backed away. Anyone that has gotten close to me always hurt me in some way. Except for Olivia.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said gently.

I looked at him with sad eyes. Can't he see I want to die? He held out his hand and I flinched. He quickly pulled it back.

"Um, you can come with me, but first a few questions." He said.

"How many walkers have you killed?" He asked.

I gave him a confused look. Walkers?

"The dead things walking around." The boy said, noticing my confusion.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"How many people have you killed?" He questioned.

I held up 2 fingers.

"Why?" He asked.

I looked away as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Come on." He said as he helped me up.

Once his hands left me, I moved myself a bit further away from him. He picked up my weapons and held them towards me. I carefully took them and put them back where they belong.

We started walking and I started to feel really sad. I was probably never going to find my sister.

Olivia's POV

I stumbled blindly through the neighborhood. I has been a few weeks, maybe a month since I saw my little sister Jordan.

I walked up the steps of a small white house. I tried turning the knob but it was locked. I raised my leg and with all my strength, I kicked the door down.

It went flying and hit the step that lead to the second story. I walked into the kitchen and began opening the cupboards. All I found was a metal water bottle.

I sighed and put it into my backpack. I really needed two things. Food and Jordan. I sat on the ground took a deep breath.

I am really, really, tired. I yawned and collapsed onto the ground.

Jordan's POV

The boy with blue eyes and a sheriff's hat lead me to God knows where. I clutched on to the necklace that Olivia gave me for my 13th birthday. I played with it in my fingers. The cool metal locket felt nice in between my fingers.

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